View Full Version : Walk a week in our shoes!

01-25-2013, 08:01 AM
I'm fed up of people telling me how I should feel. I'm sick of them telling me there is nothing wrong with me. And fed up of them telling me it's all in my head. I would love for the people who say things like this to suffer from our anxiety for just 1 week and tell us at the end of the week that it's easy. They don't know what it's like to wake up every day and have to wage a war in your own head all day, to push your body to do things that feel nearly impossible AND to do all this while trying to act as normal as we possibly can. YES there is something wrong with me, Yes I KNOW it's all in my head AND if you're not going to help me or even attempt to understand me, then keep your opinions to yourself, thank you very much!

01-25-2013, 08:14 AM
I'm fed up of people telling me how I should feel. I'm sick of them telling me there is nothing wrong with me. And fed up of them telling me it's all in my head. I would love for the people who say things like this to suffer from our anxiety for just 1 week and tell us at the end of the week that it's easy. They don't know what it's like to wake up every day and have to wage a war in your own head all day, to push your body to do things that feel nearly impossible AND to do all this while trying to act as normal as we possibly can. YES there is something wrong with me, Yes I KNOW it's all in my head AND if you're not going to help me or even attempt to understand me, then keep your opinions to yourself, thank you very much!

Frustrating aint it?

I've nearly floored some people during arguments relating to "it's in your head". Seriously... I've got so fucking angry, lol

This statement is both TRUE and FALSE.

It's true in the sense that it is a dysfunctional mind, but it's false in that it is controllable.
(Well, at least it's uncontrollable for a while. You do, or should eventually regain control, but it takes some time)

Your goal, however, is NOT to remain the victim of this disorder - but to cross the fence and stand with the same people who mock you / to be one of them... once again.

You must remain strong. You will get there and, when you do, you will be able to hold you head higher than they... knowing that you've won a very, VERY tough battle.

Make no mistake - anxiety disorder is not for the faint hearted... but it CAN FUCKING-WELL BE BEATEN.


01-25-2013, 09:03 AM
It's terrible how frustrated people get with me sometimes, especially my parents. They mean well and want me to get better, but their frustration makes my anxiety worse. I know they just want me to be happy, but people without anxiety don't seem to understand that there is no magic button that turns it off.

01-25-2013, 09:36 AM
Ugh I hate it too exspecially when its ur family all my mom can say is quit feeling sorry for yourself just live ur life blah blah get over it look at ur son your making his life misarble :((((

01-25-2013, 09:57 AM
I know !! After finding the right help I was able to explain better to the people that matter and took my husband to one session so he can better understand. He always tried to help but also thought its all in ur head be strong. In my head I'm like be strong ?? Do you even imagine what it takes to survive a day an 8 to 10 hour shift fighting these Symptoms and fears !! If that's not strong than I don't know what is. But thankfully he now gets it and supports me even more.

01-25-2013, 12:04 PM
Haha! I had no idea someone else wrote a thread with the same title, but I goes to show that we are all in the same page.

01-25-2013, 01:25 PM
I'm not denying the physical symptoms that come with anxiety disorders and yes I know there are many different levels of anxiety. I'm just speaking in general. I wake up most mornings with aches somewhere in my body. I suffer headaches nearly every day. I feel weak and dizzy nearly constantly. I'm not so naive I think this is all just phantom symptoms caused by my head. I know how anxiety affects my body, eventually it has an effect on the immune system, muscle system, digestive system etc.
I don't sit back and let this control me. I have completely changed my diet. I do some form of exercise everyday. I don't lock myself away from the world. I also signed myself up for CBT and have been attending these therapy sessions for a number of weeks now.

My point was that the people that don't understand what we are going through constantly point out the obvious and a lot of the time think we are lazy or acting up. I wouldn't wish this on my worst enemy but I do wish people would take the time to maybe read up on the subject if they wish to pass an opinion on it.

01-25-2013, 01:50 PM
If people can't accept how you are the moment( I say moment because I hope you get better) then perhaps you should stop being round these people, Just a thought. If th.ey are not going to be at all helpful and negative that really isn't going to help you.

01-25-2013, 03:36 PM
I'm not denying the physical symptoms that come with anxiety disorders and yes I know there are many different levels of anxiety. I'm just speaking in general. I wake up most mornings with aches somewhere in my body. I suffer headaches nearly every day. I feel weak and dizzy nearly constantly. I'm not so naive I think this is all just phantom symptoms caused by my head. I know how anxiety affects my body, eventually it has an effect on the immune system, muscle system, digestive system etc.
I don't sit back and let this control me. I have completely changed my diet. I do some form of exercise everyday. I don't lock myself away from the world. I also signed myself up for CBT and have been attending these therapy sessions for a number of weeks now.

My point was that the people that don't understand what we are going through constantly point out the obvious and a lot of the time think we are lazy or acting up. I wouldn't wish this on my worst enemy but I do wish people would take the time to maybe read up on the subject if they wish to pass an opinion on it.

Very very well said, I'm going through the same as what you just described and I also wouldn't wish this on anybody! May we all get better and leave this behind