View Full Version : Sigh....

01-25-2013, 07:48 AM
So I have 2 weeks to go til my due date and my mental health isn't getting any better I am so scared that I ain't gonna be able to handle it mentally :( I still feel like I'm not here I still questionn myself about everything I haven't been sleeping so that makes it worse :/ I feel disconnected from everything my family even my house doesn't feel like home to me :( I'm trying to keep it together as best I can but fk my life its hard still don't feel like myself :( sorry just had to vent I guess also feel scared of everyt ing nothing feels right :/

01-25-2013, 12:16 PM
I remember feeling this way with my first pregnancy. I felt very disconnected from my family and surroundings and didn't sleep well either the last couple of weeks before delivery...did you have anxiety before your pregnancy? Sorry if you have answered this in a previous post but I have not read them all yet.

I wonder if its the hormones in overdrive right now? I recall being very fearful if I would be able to handle a new baby in my life as I had never even held a baby before nor been around anyone who had a baby so no experience at all and that terrified me! So I think I detached from everything and stayed in my thoughts most of the time. I have to say that when I delivered my son and looked at his tiny face and body all my anxieties washed away and my motherly instincts kicked in in high gear. I felt an enormous rush of love whenever I held him and all came naturally to me from then on, even had two more babies lol...

Just know that your feelings are normal and when the baby is born you will find your family very supportive when you need a little break to rest. Of course you will always have all of us here for support if you just want to talk :)

Wishing you and baby the best!