View Full Version : Being put on the back burner

01-25-2013, 07:28 AM
Okay so for 6 years my family has been the greatest support team I could ever ask for. Up until October everything was great. I had very few panic attacks and it felt like I had overcome a lot of my anxieties.
Well for those roughly 5 and a half years they did everything to make sure I was okay and not feeling anxious.
Now that my dad has been diagnosed with pancreatic cancer I'm no longer the "center of attention". Granted I hated the fact that they would go out if their way to make sure I was alright, I just don't know how to cope with the fact that things are changing.

Last year was my first year in college and with my family I had maybe 5 panic attacks all year. This year I've already had 3 and very little support. Which has lead me to seek the support of a fellow anxiety sufferer. Unfortunately I feel as though I am solely leaning on him for support and I'm very anxious about it. All the what ifs come in and I woke up today just freaking scared. "What if I lose him as support? what if we just stop talking for some reason? Etc..

I've needed to find a balance where I don't feel so secluded from my support yet I don't feel like I'm leaning on one person. The forums here have been crazy helpful too so I think the combination of all three: my family, my friend, and these forums are going to be great.
Though I guess what I'm curious about is does anyone get how I'm feeling with having lots of support at first but them having it all seem to disappear later on?

Thanks in advance and sorry it's a lot for one little question.