View Full Version : Allergy anxiety

01-24-2013, 06:55 PM
I have posted on here multiple times before about the pressure I have above my ear...It almost makes me stop in my footsteps when I get it. I think mostly because it scares me. It feels like there is something tight above my ear. Has anyone else experienced this?

01-24-2013, 07:37 PM
Your ear and nose are connected very tightly. Have you recently blown your nose hard enough to pop your ears? I did last year and I lost my hearing in my left ear for about a week. It felt like my ear had an ear plug stuck in it.

01-24-2013, 07:48 PM
No they don't need to pop is the thing...I've gone back and forth trying to decide whether this is ear pressure or nerve pressure.

01-24-2013, 07:54 PM
It could be an ear infection, some fungus or just ear wax. I'd make a doctors appointment to get some antibioics, but until than, try to relax and try washing out your ear with water if they DON'T hurt. And do not use a qui-tips.

01-24-2013, 07:58 PM
I can't relax I feel like my right pinky has been twitching...I'm scared to go to the doctor because I'm afraid he will want to do a brainscan or something and then find a tumor, clot, cancer...etc. it terrifies me :( I've not had a life for 3 weeks because of this.

01-24-2013, 08:03 PM
I can't relax I feel like my right pinky has been twitching...I'm scared to go to the doctor because I'm afraid he will want to do a brainscan or something and then find a tumor, clot, cancer...etc. it terrifies me :( I've not had a life for 3 weeks because of this.

Any sinus problems?

01-24-2013, 08:04 PM
Any sinus problems?

Yes lots...I just don't know if this is associated with it because its above my ear like in my head.

01-24-2013, 08:08 PM
Yes lots...I just don't know if this is associated with it because its above my ear like in my head.

I have sinus prob too and it makes my ears feel very tight and a constant ringing in my head. Sometimes it's a lot of pressure in and above my ears even if my nose is not stuffy. It hurts down my neck too. It can also make you feel like you have. Tooth ache sometimes. It can put a lot of pressure on you head. I suffer with this for months sometimes. Then when it clears the ringing goes away and the pressure. I have had to get on an antibiotic when it gets bad like that.

01-24-2013, 08:28 PM
I don't have the ringing but it feels like I have a headband on about an inch or so above my ear and I feel pressure in my ear and on my mastoid. I usually never have pressure like this bad. I moved to a different town recently so I thought maybe that had something to go with it. I got off Zoloft about 6 months ago and it was a big mistake. :( Idk what to do anymore.

01-24-2013, 09:21 PM
I don't have the ringing but it feels like I have a headband on about an inch or so above my ear and I feel pressure in my ear and on my mastoid. I usually never have pressure like this bad. I moved to a different town recently so I thought maybe that had something to go with it. I got off Zoloft about 6 months ago and it was a big mistake. :( Idk what to do anymore.

I would go to the doctor an see about an antibiotic. It really sounds like more pressure from sinus. I am dealing with sinus right now and my ears feel like pressure in them. I feel the pressure in my ears and when I lean my head back I get dizzy.

01-24-2013, 09:23 PM
I have been experiencing the same thing but its a sinus infection. It really is hard to tell the difference. My neck has been really tense too. I did not know that might be a cause from the infection too. I really don't think it is anything to worry about. Have you been gritting your teeth maybe?

01-24-2013, 11:08 PM
No I don't think I grind my teeth. My right pinky is twitching, what would that be about? I'm so scared that my mom is freaking out.

01-24-2013, 11:09 PM
She thinks I'm nuts and wants to put me in a straight jacket lol