View Full Version : Caffiene

01-24-2013, 04:58 PM
Does cutting out caffeine really help with anxiety? I'm curious on of I cut out caffeine if it would help at all.

What are your experiences?


01-24-2013, 05:05 PM
I cut out caffeine because I found that it would set off some of my anxiety symptoms. (feeling more alert, pounding heart, headaches, shaking etc) so I switched to decaf coffee & camomile / herbal / fruit tea instead. I used to drink a lot of diet coke too, but switched that for juice or smoothies.

I know I'm not going to set off an attack from drinking these things, but they're also healthier than lots of fizzy drinks & regular coffee.

If you're a coffee fiend, most coffee shops will have decaf on filters. I don't think it tastes any different & I don't feel like I'm missing out if I go for coffee with friends.

01-24-2013, 08:22 PM
I used to drink caffeinated beverages but cut caffeine out as it seemed to trigger anxiety...I can now tell if I get served regular coffee by accident in a restaurant, my heart starts racing and feel shaky. Never bothered me before anxiety entered my life.

01-24-2013, 09:53 PM
I used to drink of caffiene 2 redbull a day plus coffee , cut down lately tho to a quarter of what i used to take and find it helps a lil , im less paranoid and dont break out in random sweats as much , i would recomend giving it a try

01-25-2013, 09:05 AM
Thank you everyone! Ill de have to give it a try. This is going to be so difficult since I can't wake up in the morn w/o caffeine.

01-29-2013, 08:38 PM
Yes caffienated beverages are a trigger for me. It's an upper drug wise when you think about it.

01-30-2013, 12:28 AM
Thank you everyone! Ill de have to give it a try. This is going to be so difficult since I can't wake up in the morn w/o caffeine.

Do take you time and wean off caffeine if you are a regular drinker of coffee/cola or you'll end up with horrible withdraw headaches. The last time I quit, I cut down by a cup a week to avoid this.

01-30-2013, 04:11 AM
Until I became more familar with my anxiety caffeine was definitely a trigger for me. The slight rise in bp and heart rate caused by caffeine made me feel like I was starting to have a panic attack. Now I can have a cup of coffee in the morning no problem. Caffeine has got to be the number one ''drug'' of choice in the world.

01-30-2013, 04:44 AM
Being in a state of anxiety and panic means your entire biological system is running faster than normal.

Caffeine and other energy sources only act to compound this state, therefore it's best to cut them out for the time being - just to be cautious.

Personally, I don't see how people can become SO reliant on it in the mornings. I reckon it's more psychological in this respect.

If you feel THAT shit in the mornings, then it's probably best to look at why.

01-30-2013, 07:30 AM
I've cut caffeine now for years and one time I wanted a tea at a restaurant, the waitress swore it was decaf tea, and after I drank a full 20 oz I was racing. Come to find out it wasn't. So it definately was a trigger