View Full Version : Hello

05-31-2007, 11:58 AM
I was just looking for a forum where I can talk with others who expirence anxiety and express my feelings and listen as well. I previously expirenced anxiety four years ago and spoke with a counselor for a couple of sessions and it got better. I hadn't expirenced and real anxiety until just recently. I starting expirencing feeling of anxiety after being put on another type of birth controll pill. The second day I took it I felt a flush of anxiety. I kept on taking them because I thought it was jsut the change in hormones and it would pass but here it is over two week later and the feelings haven't left.

I went to the doctor and she suggested that I change back to the low dose pills I was taking when I was nursing because I might be estorgen sensitive. I did but I think now it's a battle of my trying to break the cycle of worrying about the anxiety. A lot of my days is good but I have problems at night and when I first get up. I have scheduled an appointment to see a counselor but it is a while off so I thought I could ask for some ideas of tips on how to help combat these feelings.

I am determined to beat this! I dont want any type of meds if I can help it.

06-17-2007, 04:47 PM
Hey there, I also started experiencing anxiety after being on birth control pills for two months. I've found out since then that it was because BC pills will cause your body to retain copper, which can make anxiety much worse. There's some helpful information out there about this on the internet, if you type "copper toxicity" into google.

Correcting this problem has done much to help improve my anxiety levels. I don't take meds either.