View Full Version : does this sound like bad anxiety? or something else?

01-24-2013, 01:58 PM
Hi this is my first post here basically ive been diagnossed with anxiety since 16 im now 25 but recently its got alot worse it seems like 24/7 i get a rapid heartbeat along with feeling dizzy and faint on a daily basis also blurry vision , i get symptoms ive never had before also like weak feeling arms legs really bad heartburn indegestion , along with shakes are theese anxiety symptoms also???

01-24-2013, 02:18 PM
Well I can't promise you it's anxiety but I have all of those symptoms you just said!

01-24-2013, 02:26 PM
I would say anxiety for sure...I experience the same as you have mentioned. Do you have support from your family or therapy?

01-24-2013, 03:31 PM
Sounds like anxiety but you should still see a doctor.

01-24-2013, 05:55 PM
Its got out of control lately ive was took to hospital in nov with a heartrate of 180, and they did an ecg and could find nothing wrong, also got put on propranolol that help with the rapid heart rate but not with anxiety , i used to think anxiety and panic attacks where the same thing lol, i seem to always find something to worry about it used to be a heart attack , lately i think i have lung cancer, the meds the docs give me dont work so lately i self med on diazapam

01-24-2013, 06:00 PM
No I dont have much support really most people i know dont understand much about it and think im a bit of a hypochondriac just lol

01-24-2013, 07:38 PM
Sorry to hear you don't have much support...a lot of people don't understand if they haven't experienced what you are going through themselves. Most of us with anxiety/ depression are silent sufferers, we don't have obvious ailments that can be seen by others and I honestly don't think the doctors really understand the depth of our suffering. I get tired of folks saying " get over it" or " it's all in your mind,think of something pleasant " easier said than done during a full blown panic attack as everything seems so surreal and not of this world, a very scary experience...

I would suggest letting your doc know the meds aren't working for you and maybe try taking a CBT class ( cognitive behavioural therapy) I am scheduled to start classes next month.

My guess there is nothing wrong with your heart or lungs but I understand your worries as I think there is something wrong with my heart even though my doc has told me it is fine...the mind can imprison us with these thoughts at times.

You will find very supportive and caring people here :)

01-24-2013, 08:29 PM
No I dont have much support really most people i know dont understand much about it and think im a bit of a hypochondriac just lol

Sorry you don't have much support but you will find it here for sure. You should see a Dr. as the have said but Yes, I have all of your mentioned symptoms with my anxiety.
Usually a Klonopin will help take the edge off so I can get control of the rest myself but the last few days even that is not as helpful.
Higher heart rate as you mentioned and it is just wearing me out.
Good luck and keep posting when you need to.

01-24-2013, 08:36 PM
If the Ecg came back normal it is anxiety for sure. I would advise going to see your doctor and explaining that the medication you have been given is not helpful, I wouldn't mention the diazepam to the doctor but I would certainly stop using it, especially if it is daily. The odd one here or there when things are real bad in my opinion is ok, but constant use will result in addiction and possibly rebound anxiety.

Just out of curiosity which medications are you on?

Also as mentioned above I would definitely look into some therapy such as CBT or cognitive analytical therapy.

01-24-2013, 09:20 PM
I have all that you me mentioned too. My mom was the only one who understood and since she passed away I pretty much have everyone telling me I'm a hypochondriac. This is by far the best place I have found for support. Welcome :)

01-24-2013, 09:26 PM
Thanks for the replies .yeah i get told alot its all in your head just try not to think of it etc :( so its got to the point where i wont talk to friends and family about it ,or involve myself in certain activities , this last week ive felt awful everyday because i went to the docs for bloods and they said my white blood counts kina low but say its probably just due to a short term viral infection or because i just finished a course of anti biotics , but has me thinking im dying !! Im currently prescribed citalopram and propranolol 40 mg , but have stopped taking propranolol unless i feel i really need them because they make me feel to tired ,i cant sleep well lately as i sit up all night thinking i only have a short time to live , but its only the last two months its really took over my life like this . Before i would have one or two bad days a week and the rest i could cope with ,now its 24/7 i forever create new things to overthink in my head

01-24-2013, 09:59 PM
Anxiety really messed up my sleep schedule and it never got better til I had something to take my mind off things. Try getting a hobby like knitting or focus on cleaning a room. Anything to busy yourself with will do fine. I used to be up until dawn dreading I was going to die because of how exhausted my body was. Ended up doing cardio at night and it took my mind of it and I sleep like a baby.

01-24-2013, 10:15 PM
Lol yeah its got to the point ive kina give up on my gp also because they dont seem to care much for mental health issues, and i guess maybe not having many hobbies lately contributes towards my.anxiety i got a driving ban a few months back , before that i used to go out alot more and find.alot to fill my time with but lately i spend half of the day it seems in my thoughts

01-24-2013, 10:21 PM
My GP sent me straight to the Cognitive Therapy office in the clinic but I felt like I knew just about the same as she did. Researching this thing really took the edge off and gave me a idea as to why I have these symptoms. Have you tried meditative music or binaural? There's a bunch on YouTube, search binaural anxiety or binaural stress headache. I never believed in that stuff till this started happening, but it works.

01-24-2013, 10:41 PM
Yeah most of the time when im.at the gp I feel they dont have a clue.what im talking about and dont listen . And yeah ive tried meditive music and sounds.a few times and find it helps me to relax a tiny bit

01-24-2013, 10:54 PM
Yeah my therapist tries but she seems to be just out of med school. Aw, was hoping it'll do more more for you :/

The only other thing I can think of is reading, I've gone through novels in days just to keep my mind off dying.

01-25-2013, 04:33 PM
Hi this is my first post here basically ive been diagnossed with anxiety since 16 im now 25 but recently its got alot worse it seems like 24/7 i get a rapid heartbeat along with feeling dizzy and faint on a daily basis also blurry vision , i get symptoms ive never had before also like weak feeling arms legs really bad heartburn indegestion , along with shakes are theese anxiety symptoms also???

I thought id add more to this LOL!! Some more symptoms I get are a dry mouth , very irritated for no reason what so ever , and over think to the max , for example ive some sorta sinus infection atm , today was in tesco and went to toilets blew my nose and a lil blood came out has had me overthinking like crazy