View Full Version : Loss of appetite with anxiety

01-24-2013, 08:00 AM
Hey ive had my appetite lost aince the day i "googled" some symptoms been docs they say everything is fine but that just isnt enough in my mind but my question is how long does it take for my appetite to come back does it come back gradually as i feel i can eat allitlle more now then i could or does it just appear from nowere also at night times i feel i can eat loads and loads thanks

01-24-2013, 09:30 PM
I just started experiencing this early last year and i have had anxiety for over 10 years. I get mine back on some days, then others I have none. It's been a year since it started and I'm gradually dropping weight...almost 75 pounds in a year. At times it freaks me out because I think there's another reason I'm losing weight since I haven't changed my eating habits. My doctor told me just eat when I'm hungry and do my best to eat at other times. Do you feel hungry at all and not want it after you smell it or see it? That's what I do sometimes. Of course your situation might be different though.

01-24-2013, 09:45 PM
I've lost 14 pounds this montth jus cus of depression or anxiety dunno which one I try to force myself to eat

01-25-2013, 02:17 AM
I lose my appetite when I feel my symptoms & cannot manage to eat. I've lost about 12lbs so far, which is quite a lot for my size (currently about 112lbs)
I'm only managing to eat 1 meal a day pretty much & have to force myself to eat that because I know that having bad nutrition won't be helping anything.
It's bad because I love food & used to enjoy cooking every day. Now, I don't feel it's worth cooking because I always leave it.

Hopefully it's temporary for you. I just find it hard to eat when I feel my symptoms.

01-25-2013, 03:47 AM
I lose my appetite when I feel my symptoms & cannot manage to eat. I've lost about 12lbs so far, which is quite a lot for my size (currently about 112lbs)
I'm only managing to eat 1 meal a day pretty much & have to force myself to eat that because I know that having bad nutrition won't be helping anything.
It's bad because I love food & used to enjoy cooking every day. Now, I don't feel it's worth cooking because I always leave it.

Hopefully it's temporary for you. I just find it hard to eat when I feel my symptoms.

Oh dear that sounds terrible, you say your body isnt getting its nutritions that probly making you feel even worse without noing your starving ypu brain of its fuel maybe you should try a shake i use one called matrix its deseighned to make you put weight on there actual 1000 calories in one shake i no thats alot but the shakes are very very tasty, and they give your body the nutrition it needs, also are you ever sick after eating a meal or something ?

01-25-2013, 04:10 AM
I've been drinking smoothies every day to get vitamins. I've lived off decaf coffee, smoothies & bagels with cream cheese for about 6 days now haha (the week running up to payday is never good for food) Not good, I know, but it's all I've been able to manage.
When I have a good day (if ever) I do make sure I take advantage & eat as much as I can.

01-25-2013, 04:15 AM
Smoothies are good for your vitamins yeah : ) well just try your best i dont know if this will help you it certainly helps me have your food with you and sit down on your own in your room house whatever you have (i use my ipad) and come onto this forum on your phone ipad conputer laptap watever you have and read through people problems while you wat it helps me calm my nervous system see i suffer from health anxiety soon as some "symtoms" appear im straight on dr google witch is very bad for me and it start throwing all sort at me if been doctors nore time this week than all of last year think there gettin sick of me lol, but yeah ide try the weight gain shakes for the extra calorie boost see if it helps? Also do you ever vomit atall after eating something ?

01-25-2013, 04:21 AM
I eat in my room & am usually on this forum at the same time.
I stay away from Dr Google. I've just accepted that it's anxiety, so I don't bother with it anymore.

I'm very rarely sick. I've been sick twice after very bad panic attacks, but that's it in relation to anxiety.

01-25-2013, 04:36 AM
Yeah i do see you post on here alot sounds like your having a very awful time,do you take any medication im on a very light 10mg amitriptyline. Hasnt really started to kick in yet do you have sleeping difficulties (insomnia)

01-25-2013, 04:49 AM
I've never heard of that medication. How long have you been on it for? I hope it helps you.

I'm on 100mg Sertraline at the moment with 2mg diazepam as & when I need it. Although, I've been taking 4mg at a time the past couple of days.
I've previously used Escitalopram, clomipromine, Sulpiride, citalopram & propranolol. But l've not found relief yet.

01-25-2013, 04:52 AM
In regards to sleep, I find it hard to fall asleep, wake up a few times in the night & then struggle to get up in a morning. But that's been the case for a long time.

01-25-2013, 04:57 AM
Its other know as elavil i belive not long atall as im quite new to the anxiety itself thats why just a 10mg at night an hour before i sleep to help me sleep all night and to try and help me feel alot better in the morning a when i first wake up i feel very depressed : ( i hope you can soon get yours under control

01-25-2013, 05:02 AM
Its other know as elavil i belive not long atall as im quite new to the anxiety itself thats why just a 10mg at night an hour before i sleep to help me sleep all night and to try and help me feel alot better in the morning a when i first wake up i feel very depressed : ( i hope you can soon get yours under control

Have you tried any natural remedies for depression? I use the Bachs remedies & there are a few that target depression. It might be worth looking into them on google. I got one for panic from my local health food shop for less than £4. If used daily, it's meant to restore inner calm. Not sure how you feel about natural remedies, but they can't do any harm.

01-25-2013, 05:05 AM
Hi yes i like to experment and try new sources ineven tried the chinese medicine of herbal that wasnt as promises though : ( i will look into them thanks : )

01-25-2013, 05:09 AM
Mustard, Larch & Hornbeam are ones that I've seen can help with depression. There is lots of information online about the Bachs remedies. They're just the plant concentrates in a brandy base to preserve them. I use Aspen for panic.