View Full Version : Hypersensitive to my body

01-24-2013, 07:40 AM
Does anyone feel like they notice EVERYTHING about their body?

I'm still having the heart racing when standing, but I don't really worry about it since I've had all of my tests done at cardio doc. Just waiting for results. I'm assuming if it was something life threatening, they would've called by now. It's been a week since my holter monitor was taken off. I'm not sure what the timing normally is with those things.

Anyway, it almost like, since my brain isn't really thinking about my heart rate as much (I say as much, because I still do think about it) it needs something else to think about. So I brought up the issues to my gp. The lower half of my legs get red after I've been standing for a few minutes. She has told me in the past about my veins, and how for some women after pregnancy, they don't go back to normal and constrict like they're suppose to. So I'm going in for an ultrasound on Friday to see if my lower veins have reflux. She did say that if they do, it could most certainly be why my heart rate jumps when standing. My heart is pumping harder to get the blood to my brain since my veins aren't doing their job properly. She also said it can be fixed with surgery, or maintained with compression sox.

Next thing...I was noticing how my stomach sticks out after I eat. Then I started to think it must be bloating. So I googled thinking bloating was harmless. Blah. So now it's like, do I have celiacs disease? Do I really have an autoimmune disorder and my body is slowly shutting down? Doc took blood to check for food allergies. My husband says his stomach sticks out too. So now I'm constantly looking at other passers by stomachs.

Like I said, my big thing is I think I have an autoimmune disorder. Doc says no. They say with autoimmune, you look for pain and swelling in the joints of fingers and toes. I have none of that.

Anxiety sucks. Health anxiety sucks. And I haven't even begun to tell my worries about getting pregnant again. I want to so badly. I have such a desire to, but have this worry that my body will give out, and can't handle it. Like, that's why I miscarried. Because God was letting me live...giving me a second chance at life. If I get pregnant I'll surely die. Even though my gp, cardio and obgyn all say I can get pregnant again.

Ok. Enough ranting. This should've been a journal entry.

Please comment.


01-24-2013, 09:02 AM
Does anyone feel like they notice EVERYTHING about their body?

I'm still having the heart racing when standing, but I don't really worry about it since I've had all of my tests done at cardio doc. Just waiting for results. I'm assuming if it was something life threatening, they would've called by now. It's been a week since my holter monitor was taken off. I'm not sure what the timing normally is with those things.

Anyway, it almost like, since my brain isn't really thinking about my heart rate as much (I say as much, because I still do think about it) it needs something else to think about. So I brought up the issues to my gp. The lower half of my legs get red after I've been standing for a few minutes. She has told me in the past about my veins, and how for some women after pregnancy, they don't go back to normal and constrict like they're suppose to. So I'm going in for an ultrasound on Friday to see if my lower veins have reflux. She did say that if they do, it could most certainly be why my heart rate jumps when standing. My heart is pumping harder to get the blood to my brain since my veins aren't doing their job properly. She also said it can be fixed with surgery, or maintained with compression sox.

Next thing...I was noticing how my stomach sticks out after I eat. Then I started to think it must be bloating. So I googled thinking bloating was harmless. Blah. So now it's like, do I have celiacs disease? Do I really have an autoimmune disorder and my body is slowly shutting down? Doc took blood to check for food allergies. My husband says his stomach sticks out too. So now I'm constantly looking at other passers by stomachs.

Like I said, my big thing is I think I have an autoimmune disorder. Doc says no. They say with autoimmune, you look for pain and swelling in the joints of fingers and toes. I have none of that.

Anxiety sucks. Health anxiety sucks. And I haven't even begun to tell my worries about getting pregnant again. I want to so badly. I have such a desire to, but have this worry that my body will give out, and can't handle it. Like, that's why I miscarried. Because God was letting me live...giving me a second chance at life. If I get pregnant I'll surely die. Even though my gp, cardio and obgyn all say I can get pregnant again.

Ok. Enough ranting. This should've been a journal entry.

Please comment.


That's what I been thinking for 8 months now and look I'm still here 2 weeks and my baby is due don't let anxiety control u get some help and live ur life :)

01-24-2013, 09:28 AM
Does anyone feel like they notice EVERYTHING about their body?

I'm still having the heart racing when standing, but I don't really worry about it since I've had all of my tests done at cardio doc. Just waiting for results. I'm assuming if it was something life threatening, they would've called by now. It's been a week since my holter monitor was taken off. I'm not sure what the timing normally is with those things.

Anyway, it almost like, since my brain isn't really thinking about my heart rate as much (I say as much, because I still do think about it) it needs something else to think about. So I brought up the issues to my gp. The lower half of my legs get red after I've been standing for a few minutes. She has told me in the past about my veins, and how for some women after pregnancy, they don't go back to normal and constrict like they're suppose to. So I'm going in for an ultrasound on Friday to see if my lower veins have reflux. She did say that if they do, it could most certainly be why my heart rate jumps when standing. My heart is pumping harder to get the blood to my brain since my veins aren't doing their job properly. She also said it can be fixed with surgery, or maintained with compression sox.

Next thing...I was noticing how my stomach sticks out after I eat. Then I started to think it must be bloating. So I googled thinking bloating was harmless. Blah. So now it's like, do I have celiacs disease? Do I really have an autoimmune disorder and my body is slowly shutting down? Doc took blood to check for food allergies. My husband says his stomach sticks out too. So now I'm constantly looking at other passers by stomachs.

Like I said, my big thing is I think I have an autoimmune disorder. Doc says no. They say with autoimmune, you look for pain and swelling in the joints of fingers and toes. I have none of that.

Anxiety sucks. Health anxiety sucks. And I haven't even begun to tell my worries about getting pregnant again. I want to so badly. I have such a desire to, but have this worry that my body will give out, and can't handle it. Like, that's why I miscarried. Because God was letting me live...giving me a second chance at life. If I get pregnant I'll surely die. Even though my gp, cardio and obgyn all say I can get pregnant again.

Ok. Enough ranting. This should've been a journal entry.

Please comment.


I would call them and see if they have your results yet. They should have them by now. I know I had to call one of my heart doctors before and they had forgot to tea it. The other heart doctor I had last year had me come back in a week and he gave me the results then. He called me the same day I had all the other test done, like the tread mill and heart scan.