View Full Version : Meds

01-23-2013, 10:58 PM
Has anyone ever tried Lexapro (Escitalopram)? I have really bad anxiety and just just prescribed this med. was just wondering has anyone tried and how effective is it?

01-24-2013, 01:00 AM
Has anyone ever tried Lexapro (Escitalopram)? I have really bad anxiety and just just prescribed this med. was just wondering has anyone tried and how effective is it?

Yeah been on it for 5months 30mg works well for depression anxiety

01-24-2013, 07:07 AM
Yep I'm on 10mg and once got over the initial side effects headaches, feeling fuzzy it worked for me until recently. Doc added Xanax into the mix as and when required which really helps but it's short term. 5mg is a really low dose so ur side effects might not be that bad.

01-24-2013, 08:52 AM
Wow thank you so much can't wait to try it and see how it works for me :) hopefully ill start feeling normal again!

01-24-2013, 05:43 PM
I'm taking that same drug at .15 mg it has helped me so very much along with CBT

01-24-2013, 06:41 PM
Escitalopram work very well for my dad, he took it in combination with nebivolol and candesartan (blood pressure med). Unfortunately with me it didn't help at all like all the others. But from what I read escitalopram works well for most with very little side effects

All the best

01-24-2013, 08:31 PM
I'm on it and it took a couple of weeks to work, only noticed side affect was my libido, it killed it.

01-24-2013, 11:21 PM
I've been on the 40mg a day dose since I was 10, when I developed my anxiety disorder it seems to of loss some effectiveness, I recently tried switching, but my body hated the change, so I'm going to back on Lexapro, i also take .5mg of klonopin twice a day and I have ZERO anxiety, it's like I'm back to complete normal. I think it's a great medicene

Good luck.