View Full Version : Healthy anxiety worry

Forrest Owl
01-23-2013, 09:18 PM
Ok so earlier tonight I had something really scary happen to me.

I suddenly got really bad vision problems, both my eyes went super blurry( as if I didnt have my glasses on) and there were weird patterns, zig zags you name it accompanied with little blue lines it was like I was in constant fog with weird stuff I could see but not clearly at all to much was crowding my vision, then after 30 mins it all went away and I was back to normal, had no pain nothing just the vision thing, so I called my doc and she said it sounded like a ocular migraine, I went and read up on it and it all seemed to make sense though I have never had any migraines before but did suffer from severe sinus headaches before I had sinus surgery two years ago that fixed that. but my anxiety is telling me that it wasn't what my doc said but that maybe I am going blind, losing my vision, or maybe I have something in my head/brain that is pushing up on something and that's what brought ton the sudden vision problems, I am so freaked out still that my anxiety is getting to me(and I do suffer from health anxiety) I just need advice because I am so scared that I could be going blind.

Forrest Owl
01-23-2013, 09:33 PM
its weird because it was all vision, no pain at all, got worse then went away after 30 mins, I was so scared I was going blind and so many other things, then afterwards I felt tired and a little uneasy in the stomach

01-23-2013, 09:56 PM
I have migraine headaches with weather changes but I have have also had ocular migraines on occasion which really freaked me out at first..had the zig zag lines and color effects that stays in my vision. Very scary when I first had them but I now know it is just a migraine without the pain. Please know that it won't harm you and you are not losing your vision and nothing is wrong with your brain...My grandmother had these all the time along with the pain migraines. I figure I inherited this from her. Anyone in your family have this also?

Forrest Owl
01-24-2013, 06:40 AM
not that I know of, I just used to have severe sinus headaches and infections until I got my surgery two years ago, on occasion I will still get mild sinus stuff from the weather changes, I actually had a bad headache every day at the same time for a week then the next week all sinus pain in my head, temples, and neck( this was 2 weeks ago but the weather has been crazy), but all that stopped, then yesterday is when that ocular migraine came on, I didn't see my doc I just called since it was 530 pm and from what I told her she said it sounded like that, that was the first time it ever happened, I wonder if will happen again, it was scary, I did go read about it and it made sense, just my anxiety wont let me shake that the going blind slowly thing and brain tumors