View Full Version : Really Weird Feeling

01-23-2013, 06:45 PM
Okay so my day has been pretty uneventful. Just the usual fuzzy head feeling and occasional heart palps throughout the day.

So I fell asleep on the couch (no big deal) and woke about an hour later. I look at the clock, it's 1 am, so I say to myself 'time for bed'. I get up and it hits me, sudden dizziness (no big deal, I deal with dizzy spells daily), I take 2-3 steps and I get it. It's hard to describe, I wasn't sure if it was in my head or my chest but it freaked the s**t out of me. It wasn't a heart palpatation, it felt like a flutter, going from my chest up into my throat. It only lasted a second but when I took another 2-3 steps it happened again. This continued to happen as I made my way upstairs and into bed. My heart rate was going really quick. I couldn't concentrate on anything, my mind jumped straight to "what the f**k is this, am I going to die?". I felt like I was going to pass out on a couple of occasions but I managed to keep myself together (enough to stay on my feet anyway)

It seems to have passed now. Just feeling really exhausted and my body feels really heavy (like I'm going to literally go through my mattress).

Remembering back, when I woke up I felt confused, like it took a minute to get my bearings. I also kinda sat upright really quick too. I don't know if this contributed to how I felt once I stood up. The fluttering feeling is what's playing on my mind though. I've had it before, a while ago, I can't remember when but I know I've had it before. As I said it felt like it went from my chest up into my throat but the sensation is weird. It was like wings flapping up from chest to throat, really quickly but only when I seemed to exert myself. It's when this happened I felt like I would pass out.

Has anyone else had this?

01-23-2013, 07:11 PM
Do you have acid reflux? i have it bad and sometimes get that fluttery feeling in my chest like your heart skips a bunch.The doc told me that was an esphogus spasm caused from acid reflux,and sitting up suddenly will cause that to happen.

01-23-2013, 07:20 PM
Do you have acid reflux? i have it bad and sometimes get that fluttery feeling in my chest like your heart skips a bunch.The doc told me that was an esphogus spasm caused from acid reflux,and sitting up suddenly will cause that to happen.

I'm not sure if I do. My stomach has been very gassy lately but I put that down to IBS as I've suffered with IBS all my life.