View Full Version : Severe Sensitivity to medications?

01-23-2013, 12:50 PM
Haven't been here for a while...anxiety has heightened again.

Just wondering if anyone here has a high sensitivity to any and all medications, meaning you can't take regular recommended doses of anything without feeling over medicated? I was prescribed Xanax for severe panic attack symptoms...heart palpitations ( the worst symptom I have ), racing heart, uncontrollable body shakes, derealization. I can only take an 1/8 of a 0.25 Xanax dose. Any more would make me feel horribly tired and numb all over...the small amount I do take actually does work and my doctor does not have an answer as to why I am so sensitive to medications except that I may metabolize them differently than most of the population. She wanted to start me on a antidepressant but from what I have read about side effects is that most/all can cause a racing heart which I absolutely don't need! Celexa was her choice for me but I refused due to side effects, actually causes anxiety.

I stay away from anything that has caffeine in it as it causes anxiety symptoms for me...I am guessing most antidepressants have some sort of stimulant type chemical in them as does migraine meds ( yes, I have migraines too lol ) and can't take any of those meds either.

So any info on antidepressants that don't cause racing heart would be greatly appreciated! I am really frustrated with having anxiety on a daily basis but very Leary of trying antidepressants...

Thank you for you help :)

01-23-2013, 05:15 PM
A beta blocker should help racing heart and shaking(propranolol). Buspar might be tried(but it's not an AD) or lexapro(celexa's brother, seems not to cause much "start up" anxiety).
Also instead of the high potency xanax ask about a lower potency benzo like serax, lebrium, valium or even clorazepate. It might cause you less side effects. Just some ideas. Alankay

01-23-2013, 05:49 PM
I agree a beta blocker may be worth trying propranolol is often the one that is usually prescribed but I have had more success with nebivolol. Also any drug/substance has the POTENTIAL to have side effects, but this does not mean that it WILL cause side effects. Medications have improved over the years and do not cause side effects as frequently as the old MAOI inhibitors. I have heard people who have had great success with medications such as escitalopram (lexapro) with very little side effects, you just have to try them and see what helps/what doesn't help.

Also as Alan said Xanax is a very strong drug, a weaker alternative may be helpful for you

01-23-2013, 05:51 PM
Haven't been here for a while...anxiety has heightened again.

Just wondering if anyone here has a high sensitivity to any and all medications, meaning you can't take regular recommended doses of anything without feeling over medicated? I was prescribed Xanax for severe panic attack symptoms...heart palpitations ( the worst symptom I have ), racing heart, uncontrollable body shakes, derealization. I can only take an 1/8 of a 0.25 Xanax dose. Any more would make me feel horribly tired and numb all over...the small amount I do take actually does work and my doctor does not have an answer as to why I am so sensitive to medications except that I may metabolize them differently than most of the population. She wanted to start me on a antidepressant but from what I have read about side effects is that most/all can cause a racing heart which I absolutely don't need! Celexa was her choice for me but I refused due to side effects, actually causes anxiety.

I stay away from anything that has caffeine in it as it causes anxiety symptoms for me...I am guessing most antidepressants have some sort of stimulant type chemical in them as does migraine meds ( yes, I have migraines too lol ) and can't take any of those meds either.

So any info on antidepressants that don't cause racing heart would be greatly appreciated! I am really frustrated with having anxiety on a daily basis but very Leary of trying antidepressants...

Thank you for you help :)

I take atenolol beta blocker. I cut it up in 4's. it's a 25mg tab. If you really don't need it, I would not start it. I take the smallest amount just for PVC's no heart problems and it has not helped the PVC but does keep my heart from racing so much. I love that part. But it is very hard to get off of. I skipped my dose the other night trying to wean off of it and when I woke up my BP went high and heart was racing like crazy. That's a side effect of getting off of them. So I had to take one just to slow it down. I hate that feeling.

01-23-2013, 06:58 PM
A beta blocker should help racing heart and shaking(propranolol). Buspar might be tried(but it's not an AD) or lexapro(celexa's brother, seems not to cause much "start up" anxiety).
Also instead of the high potency xanax ask about a lower potency benzo like serax, lebrium, valium or even clorazepate. It might cause you less side effects. Just some ideas. Alankay

Thank you Alankay! Do beta blockers lower BP? I have low blood pressure...will definitely look into it tho :)

I was wondering about Buspar, from what I have read about this med it sounds like it may be a good choice considering the side effects don't include racing heart..Lexapro may be another possibility, I will pass both by my doctor. I start CBT classes in February and if it is not helpful i am supposed to start medication...see the doc on March 3 to decide.

I have tried Valium which unfortunately gave me the jitters and nervousness...have not tried the others you mentioned. Will also check into those :) I only take the Xanax when I absolutely have to...only when major panic attack hits. I really am not comfortable taking any medications at all...up til now the only thing I take is Advil for headaches, but I understand what you are saying about Xanax...very potent med for sure!

Thanks again for helping me figure this med thing out, much appreciated:)

01-23-2013, 07:09 PM
I agree a beta blocker may be worth trying propranolol is often the one that is usually prescribed but I have had more success with nebivolol. Also any drug/substance has the POTENTIAL to have side effects, but this does not mean that it WILL cause side effects. Medications have improved over the years and do not cause side effects as frequently as the old MAOI inhibitors. I have heard people who have had great success with medications such as escitalopram (lexapro) with very little side effects, you just have to try them and see what helps/what doesn't help.

Also as Alan said Xanax is a very strong drug, a weaker alternative may be helpful for you

Thank you Rich! I am writing notes on all of your replays here so when I go to the docs again I can have these meds written down to ask him about. Lexapro does sound like an option for me ( or Buspar ) going to try the CBT classes first and see if they help as I would rather not take meds...I have had bouts with anxiety for many years which are triggered by big changes that happen in my life such as death of a loved one, husbands heart issues, my pet passing away all within a few months...doc called it "Adjustment Anxiety" , but this episode has lasted far longer than previous anxiety/ depression episodes that I have experienced. I usually come out of them in a month or two but this time it is hanging on (five months) ...

Thank you:)

01-23-2013, 07:19 PM
I take atenolol beta blocker. I cut it up in 4's. it's a 25mg tab. If you really don't need it, I would not start it. I take the smallest amount just for PVC's no heart problems and it has not helped the PVC but does keep my heart from racing so much. I love that part. But it is very hard to get off of. I skipped my dose the other night trying to wean off of it and when I woke up my BP went high and heart was racing like crazy. That's a side effect of getting off of them. So I had to take one just to slow it down. I hate that feeling.

Thanks sandyrdh:) you sound a lot like me as far as taking small amounts! My doctor laughs at me for cutting my Xanax into tiny pieces...he said the dose was not even therapeutic, just dust! But aim am not sure i can take a Betta blocker as I have low BP, not sure how all these meds work in different ways.

I hate the racing heart also, has to be the worst anxiety symptom! I was checked out for heart issues with a monitor and EKG and doc didn't feel I had any heart problems. Also had the barrage of blood tests...all came out fine.

Thanks again for your kind reply:)

01-23-2013, 09:17 PM
Thanks sandyrdh:) you sound a lot like me as far as taking small amounts! My doctor laughs at me for cutting my Xanax into tiny pieces...he said the dose was not even therapeutic, just dust! But aim am not sure i can take a Betta blocker as I have low BP, not sure how all these meds work in different ways.

I hate the racing heart also, has to be the worst anxiety symptom! I was checked out for heart issues with a monitor and EKG and doc didn't feel I had any heart problems. Also had the barrage of blood tests...all came out fine.

Thanks again for your kind reply:)

Yes I hate taking meds. I am very sensitive to taking whole and even half of what they prescribe. My doctor gets upset with me too but I like you cut my klonopan in 4's and then bite a small piece of that off. And it does help! He said it was not enough but I say, if it calms me down even if in my mind then so be it because I won't get addicted. And I don't even take it every day. Same with my atenolol, he said that small of an amount was not much but when I tried to stop it, it showed me that what ever I take is still getting into my body and doing something. And yes beta blockers do lower heart and blood pressure so if you have low blood pressure and he gives it to you, start out slow until you know how it will affect your BP. I would be nervous about taking the whole or even half at first. Lol. Just that little bit I take does something so I could not imagine taking half or a whole one. I would google what ever he gives you and find out the side effects of getting off of it when your ready. Beta blockers are really for people with heart problems that we don't have. Most heart doctors won't even give them out for pvc's like me but mine did.

01-23-2013, 09:47 PM
Sure is nice to meet someone with the same sensitivities as I have :) Everyone thinks its all in my head but I know my body well and how it reacts to meds or chemicals. I ordered a cup of decafe coffee at a restaurant once and drank it when I started to feel the affects of caffeine kicking and knew instantly i was given regular coffee which took a while to leave my system...was a horrible experience, same as an anxiety attack to me.

Yes, not sure if I want to attempt taking a beta blocker right now...I am afraid it may drop my BP too low, I have low blood sugar also..not extremely low but borderline low.

Thanks sandyrdh, I really appreciate your help

01-24-2013, 05:04 AM
Yes they can lower BP but propranol can help at low doses(10mg-20mg) that would not likely effect that much. It's a not cardio-selective like atenolol or nebivolol so ask about it. Plus at 20mg you could likely take it "as needed". Higher doses than say 40mg should be taken daily or you might get a rebound higher BP effect(sometimes not). Ask your doc, he should know all about it and surely has other patients on it for the same/similiar reasons. Alankay

01-24-2013, 07:16 AM
Sure is nice to meet someone with the same sensitivities as I have :) Everyone thinks its all in my head but I know my body well and how it reacts to meds or chemicals. I ordered a cup of decafe coffee at a restaurant once and drank it when I started to feel the affects of caffeine kicking and knew instantly i was given regular coffee which took a while to leave my system...was a horrible experience, same as an anxiety attack to me.

Yes, not sure if I want to attempt taking a beta blocker right now...I am afraid it may drop my BP too low, I have low blood sugar also..not extremely low but borderline low.

Thanks sandyrdh, I really appreciate your help

No it's not in our head. Like you said we know our body. I had never really taken med growing up other than an antibiotic and then when I started having bad anxiety they gave me Zoloft and I ended up in the hosp with very bad reactions to it and ever since then I have been scared to take meds.

01-24-2013, 02:13 PM
Okay, will ask the doc about propranolol :) thanks Alankay :)