View Full Version : What do you do when you can't leave the house

01-23-2013, 10:49 AM
Well I had a hernia repair surgery recently and I'm still recovering, I should not force any movements and I shouldn't go out with this weather, basically I am forbidden of doing so since the last time I did I got a flu, got into a really bad state of intense pain and other stuff, so do any of you have any advice on what to do at home while I'm stuck? I feel extremely down if I'm not able to go outside and I'm afraid to fall into despair again

01-23-2013, 10:56 AM
Do you have friends that can come & visit you? Just because you can't leave the house, doesn't mean that you have to be alone. How long will your recovery take?
I was off work for 6 weeks last year with depression & I spend most of that time alone. But I kept myself occupied doing small things. I read a lot, watched countless films (the brilliance of sky plus), played on my Nintendo DS, puzzle books, called my friends if they could not come round.
Online comics like Cyanide & Happiness / Toothpaste For Dinner can keep me entertained for hours.
Hope you feel better soon.

01-24-2013, 01:22 AM
I have spent most of my life in front of the computer and by now it just doesn't feel like a disctraction anymore. Having friends over is kind of impossible because just like how I said a few days ago in a post here, people just stop talking to me all of a sudden even when I'm not being annoying or anything like that, it's like I'm meant to be alone for some reason, and if that's the case I won't allow myself to go down just because others couldn't care less about me

01-30-2013, 04:40 AM
I get you back in November my mum had a stroke and she was a really active person never in the house and she is really starting to get down. I have 1 bro and 3 sisters and she has 14 bro and sisters and when she was in the hospital they all promised to help her. Since she came home who has no-one except me

01-30-2013, 02:12 PM
I get you back in November my mum had a stroke and she was a really active person never in the house and she is really starting to get down. I have 1 bro and 3 sisters and she has 14 bro and sisters and when she was in the hospital they all promised to help her. Since she came home who has no-one except me

I've been trying to be slightly more active after writing this post and it does work, I've been feeling better, I guess staying home is just horrible for anyone

01-31-2013, 02:30 AM
:( not for me I hate leaving home. My mum used to know that now she does not and wants me to go out.

01-31-2013, 04:06 AM
:( not for me I hate leaving home. My mum used to know that now she does not and wants me to go out.

It takes time, atleast it did for me and I had to find a "purpose" since I felt like I was worth nothing, no objectives and no self-esteem... There was a time that I thought I really was gonna end up dead soon, filled with suicidal thoughts and deep sadness, but that belongs in the past.

Anyways, it's not as simple as doing something you like and going outside but it's not the hardest thing ever either if you're strong enough to have some patience and find your "purpose"