View Full Version : Work Anxiety

05-30-2007, 01:26 PM
This is my first post, but rather than introduce myself with all my problems I really need some support or help asap and I hope to find some here. My work, and general, anxiety is nothing new, but I now managed to get myself a job and I haven't been going due to anxiety. I really want this to stop! Any suggestions?

05-31-2007, 11:42 AM
The thing that has held me back from having employment was that I would have constant anxiety attacks. Even when I was able to work from home, I would have attacks.

What have you found that helps with overcoming panic attacks?

05-31-2007, 11:52 AM
Even work from home I have attacks -- it's just about the work, even if it's easy.

What have I found? Didn't I ask YOU that question?

06-13-2007, 09:08 AM
For people who feel this unpleasant Anxiety, for this emotional state that involves a complex combination of emotion that includes fear, apprehension, and worry are really a pain that a person can carry all the time.

In my high school days, a friend of mine experience this kind of situation...And she’s been asking me for any medications for it...But for me, I will never take any medication for it, coz depending on it is not good...I'd rather go for alternatives medicines, for they are all natural, came from the extracts of plants.