View Full Version : Anxiety!!

01-23-2013, 05:06 AM
Im going mad if you have health anxiety and your wrrying about a certain illness do you find that everything you see to relate to that illness always takes your attention? i hate it and just wanna forget about it all : (

01-23-2013, 05:20 AM
I'm guessing you're checking symptoms on Dr. Google?

01-23-2013, 05:22 AM
Yes i did guilty as charges and now where ever i go and see say a poster or billboard or aomething about it on facebook it freaks me out!! Is this cause the mind is worried about it and takes easy notice of things like this

01-23-2013, 05:39 AM
Yes i did guilty as charges and now where ever i go and see say a poster or billboard or aomething about it on facebook it freaks me out!! Is this cause the mind is worried about it and takes easy notice of things like this

What are you concerned about, specifically?

01-23-2013, 05:42 AM
The big c word

01-23-2013, 05:44 AM
Well I read an interesting fact yesterday. Anyone who checks symptoms on Google will get a bad response. 99% of the time Google returns the worst case scenario first. So obviously when we see those answers it's only natural to become a bit worried. Unfortunately for people like us (anxiety sufferers) we can become obsessed with these Google results. I know I have. Anxiety seems to have an endless array of symptoms. Different people suffer different forms of anxiety, therefore we can all suffer different symptoms.
Try to stop checking Google. I personally suffer from a Hypochondria form as well as an Agoraphobic form too. I also have a touch of OCD which I think most of us do, in some form or another. Anyway if I was to recommend anything it would be to look into CBT (Cognitive Behavioural Therapy), if you haven't already. I started it recently and the difference in my anxiety is huge already. I have a better outlook and attitude, I'm getting out more and I'm more aware of when I'm starting to get that low feeling again. The CBT has been a blessing for me. I hope this helps you and if you have any questions just ask :)

01-23-2013, 05:54 AM
It's not just GOOGLE / the web that's the problem... it's also everyday media.

TV / radio / word-of-mouth / posters... everywhere.

We are constantly bombarded with health & fitness advertisements, therefore it's NO WONDER it gets "burnt" into our consciousness.

The result is that we end up thinking of nothing but. No f*kin' wonder we end up anxious over it.

01-23-2013, 05:57 AM
Yeah i see its not just me then it in genral thanks for that bud

01-23-2013, 08:34 AM
When you google if your going too always put anxiety at the end of it

01-23-2013, 11:32 AM
I used to be very bad about googling, but just recently I've stopped and I still have my slip ups, but nothing like I was. I occassionally ask a family member or my girlfriend if I'm ok, and their reassurance calms me. That's my next thing on my list of things to stop. As for the media making it worse, very true. I've finally learned to say screw all that crap. I watch tv and when commercials come on I just don't even watch or give a crap. I can almost bet money that EVERY single time commercials come on there will be atleast two commercials giving the impression that everyone has cancer or have you been checked for this or that. Or DO YOU KNOW THESE HEART SYMPTOMS? Well I've been checked and screw it I know what the docs told me. They literally sound like they urge you to worry about it, atleast here in the U.S. that's how it seems. Every commercial is some Cancer Institute commercial or something.

01-23-2013, 05:03 PM
I used to be very bad about googling, but just recently I've stopped and I still have my slip ups, but nothing like I was. I occassionally ask a family member or my girlfriend if I'm ok, and their reassurance calms me. That's my next thing on my list of things to stop. As for the media making it worse, very true. I've finally learned to say screw all that crap. I watch tv and when commercials come on I just don't even watch or give a crap. I can almost bet money that EVERY single time commercials come on there will be atleast two commercials giving the impression that everyone has cancer or have you been checked for this or that. Or DO YOU KNOW THESE HEART SYMPTOMS? Well I've been checked and screw it I know what the docs told me. They literally sound like they urge you to worry about it, atleast here in the U.S. that's how it seems. Every commercial is some Cancer Institute commercial or something.

It's the same in the UK all you get on the radio, news etc, I am terrible with thinking the worst from any ache or pain then googling the symptons which always comes up with the worse

01-23-2013, 05:18 PM
Im going mad if you have health anxiety and your wrrying about a certain illness do you find that everything you see to relate to that illness always takes your attention? i hate it and just wanna forget about it all : (

Your not going mad its just yet another symptom of anxiety nothing else, I am the same always googling symptons and finding the worse, did you no anxiety can actually cause physical pain? That can appear similar to other pains? If you need to talk just give me a shout mate I'm in the same boat and want to put this to bed