View Full Version : why can I not calm down?

01-22-2013, 05:19 PM
My actual panic attack only last for 5 mins but I find I have the shakes and feel tense and sick for hours after. Im lying here now knowing I have work tomorrow and I feel so hopeless. :-(

01-22-2013, 06:25 PM
I'm just like you. I panic about everything. Instead of enjoying life I'm freaking out and am very tense. Only time I rest is during sleep. Like what's the matter with me too?!

a l i c i a
01-22-2013, 06:48 PM
My actual panic attack only last for 5 mins but I find I have the shakes and feel tense and sick for hours after. Im lying here now knowing I have work tomorrow and I feel so hopeless. :-(

I've felt this way nonstop for almost three weeks now. I hate it. It got so bad I ended up in the er. I didn't sleep for a few days and I just felt like I was losing it. They gave me Ativan to help me sleep and it does but I'm still anxious all day long. I'm very thankful I don't have to work right now cause I don't know how I could do it.

Slammed Vdub
01-22-2013, 10:31 PM
I was there. You will get past that. Its a weird phase which for some people cant cycle over and over again. I just kinda grew apart from it with time and im fine now. Be patient.

01-23-2013, 02:59 AM
My actual panic attack only last for 5 mins but I find I have the shakes and feel tense and sick for hours after. Im lying here now knowing I have work tomorrow and I feel so hopeless. :-(

I got like this in the beginning. After a panic attack I would just sit there and rattle. It would come and go for ages. I'd feel nauseous and dizzy and my mind would be running riot. I would also get pins and needles. It's just your bodies way of burning off the excess adrenaline after an attack.
I find after I have a panic attack that if I pace the room slowly it helps clear the shakes for the most part. I also gently swing my arms back and forth. Doing both these things go some way to burning off the adrenaline. They also get the blood flowing properly again, this helps reduce my pins and needles. Everyone has a different method but this really helps me. I have good control over an attack when I have one now. It also helps to try and think clearly and I know that's easy to say but if you can focus your thoughts it's a huge help. Just remember that as much as panic attacks feel horrible and can scare the life out of you, the truth is it's nothing to be afraid of. It's just your body protecting itself.