View Full Version : Health anxiety

01-22-2013, 03:59 PM
Hi everyone, im a 20 year old male,last month I was admitted to hospital for an irregular heartbeat once I was out I was constantly checking my heart to see if it was still beating sounds silly I know but since a week and a half ago I've lost my appetite completely the sight and smell of food is so off putting I have aches in my abs slight back ache and different stool pattern, but now there i am googling stuff about these symptoms and got a lot of scary outcomes I went to the docs maybe 4 or 5 times with this even hospital today they took all sorts of bloods and everything came back ok but something in my mind is saying these missed something but the doctors have said they think its constipation causing me the tummy troubles and different stools witch is fair but why do I still feel like there's more wrong I've seen 3 different doctors all together and they say I'm fine what can I do to try and get my appetite back I've got it into my head I'm loosing weight but surely this is cause I'm not eating how I should do so I'm always on the scales with not a massive change stall over the course of a week and a half of not eating properly if some body could relate anything to me it would be much a apprieated. Thanks Josh

01-22-2013, 04:26 PM
I suffered IBS since childhood. Constipation has always factored in my life on and off. If your heavily constipated you can lose your appetite. You will get abdominal pains and cramps. They can be very uncomfortable and sometimes almost unbearable pain. It sounds to me like it is constipation. My advice would be to watch your diet. Try to avoid eating too much red meat. It takes a long time for the body to digest and absorb. It easily builds up. Also it can make your stools quite tough and harder to pass (sorry about the descriptions but better you know). Also too much dairy can have the same effect. Try eating brown breads, Fruits, Veg, juices and yoghurts. It will help you big time. Unfortunately with anxiety you become more susceptible to constipation and IBS due to the stress. I hope this helps :)

01-22-2013, 04:30 PM
Hi yes that helped a lot but the thingnis I do pass stool daily not as much as I used to so it probly is down to this sorry about the subject! Haha and obversly dr google don't help does it! Thanks a lot mate!

01-22-2013, 04:33 PM
Yeah, no problem. Dr. Google definitely doesn't help but I have done it myself as I'm sure most people on this have done, if not everyone.

01-22-2013, 08:32 PM
Sounds like IBS to me. I agree with the previous advice on what types of food to avoid. I knew a family member who suffered terribly with that for quite some time, went through numerous tests, all came back normal. She started medication and now doesn't seem to suffer from it any longer.