View Full Version : New and seeking help

01-22-2013, 02:48 PM
Hi, im new to this forum and hope to get advice and information from people going through similar problems. Ive suffered from anxeity and depression all my life, 20 years ago i was prescribed 20mg of paxil, Ive had good results with it and it has helped me manage my symptoms. 2 months ago I was in a serious car accident. I was not diagnosed with TBI but defiently had a concussion, was knocked out for awhile. My physcial injurys are healing well but now im having extreme anxeity, worse than ive ever experienced in my life. I wake up with nerves and it gets worse as the day goes on. Its been so bad at times i am out of my mind. It is keeping me from healing and re building my life. I do not have insurance so going to doctor after doctor is not a option. I do not want to quit paxil, as it has worked so well for me.. Does anyone know of medicine I can take along with paxil that can help? Ive beef meditating and taking good vitamins ... Im becoming desperate .. Any help, advice etc I would be greatful. Thank u

01-22-2013, 04:46 PM
You poor thing. I am in the uk so I can't really comment on the doctor thing as we don't pay but can you not look for CBT? I know it has worked for many people and im sure it would help you xx

01-22-2013, 07:34 PM
Hi, I am so sorry for all you are going through. I am absolutely sure that if you can get back to your psych doc he can prescribe you something to help. I took prozac (20 mg.) for anxiety/depression and it worked great for about 20 years, then I needed to switch meds. You may only need an increase. Either way, the one time visit to your psych doc to get the meds changed is imperative. Please do it. It will change your life.