View Full Version : I'm insane now.

05-29-2007, 01:04 AM
I am completely insane.

I believe I now have schizo and beyond.

I have not taken any medications for my anxiety/panic attacks/disorder other than tranquilizers the odd time. I have gone beyond a simple anxiety disorder.

Its difficult to explain, but I often feel like everything in my life is somehow in a computer in my mind.

Sometimes I see things as being 2D instead of 3D.

I often wonder if people have their own thoughts or if they are simply put in my world.

I often see little swirls of faint white in walls when I'm focusing on something in front of it.

When I look at the sky when its bright out I see little flashing white dots all over the sky.

Yesterday I was having a panic attack and gravity in itself freaked me out. Also, the earth has freaked me out as well as the universe. Everything beyond the earth has freaked me out.

I often think of my son being harmed and killed (not by me).

I often tell myself that when my son dies I will commit suicide.

I often create scenarios where I could get severely hurt or injured in even the most safest of places.

I often think of the world coming to its end.

I had a panic attack when I turned 22 because "I am 22 now and I cant go back or change my age".

I often wonder how I can even control my own bodily functions.

I often wonder how I can breathe when I have no control of it.

I often wonder why I even have to breathe.

I often think people are thinking poorly of and judging me in their minds.

My self-esteem is at an abysmal point. I honestly believe I am completely ugly, and a fat ass (I weigh about 170 and I'm 6'4).

Attempts at explaining things to my mother gets me bitched at.

I care about what everyone thinks more than what I myself think.

I always convince myself I have some form of cancer.

One second I will be laughing, the next I will be thinking of death, the next I will be light headed and confused, the next I will be angry, the next I will be apathetic...and it goes on.

Attempts at pinpointing my anxiety only lead me into thinking about every single aspect of my life I have fucked up, and how I can't take it back and go back into time and do everything completely different, because I would if I could.

05-29-2007, 06:23 AM
My self-esteem is at an abysmal point. I honestly believe I am completely ugly, and a fat ass (I weigh about 170 and I'm 6'4).

Attempts at explaining things to my mother gets me bitched at.

I always convince myself I have some form of cancer.

I have those same fears too.

Maybe you should see a professional about it, cause he/she's more like to know what it is. And at least you'll have someone to talk to.

*btw, you're not insane - people that are going crazy don't think they're going insane. In fact, many a person tends to think they're getting saner

V for Victor
05-29-2007, 10:50 AM

You are not insane. You are sharply aware of your thoughts and condition.

It just sounds like your anxiety/depression have piled up on you, and you do need some assistance in getting it back under control.

Do go talk to a therapist or a doctor. Tell them about everything that's bothering you, everything that you mentioned here and more. If you really want to get over this, you'll have to commit and work hard at it. Talk to them about behavioral therapy. Read some books on the topic, do some research. Try to understand what it is, not just how it makes you feel.

You can get ontop of these problems if you really want to.

I know exactly how you feel. I believed that I was truly insane, out of control, and on a certain path to self-destruction. Turns out, following some thinking, research, and self-exploration that I was quite wrong.

Please do feel free to send me a personal message if you want to talk more indepth about this.

05-29-2007, 08:16 PM
how can i get help when

a) i cant afford it

and b) noone im close to understands

V for Victor
05-29-2007, 09:23 PM
I'm not sure what nation you live in, but depending on your location you may be able to get governmental/insurance aid.

You do have a support group here, and there's always somebody around.

If nobody else, I want to help you. My offer still stands (even if all you need is to have somebody to complain to ;) ), if you want to get ahold of me via Private Message, and then later on MSN or email, or whatever.