View Full Version : Can't handle pains

01-22-2013, 05:09 AM
I woke up feeling a lot better today and in the past hour my chest pains have come on strong. I feel fine within myself not at all anxious I don't understand why this keeps happening :( it's really starting to scare me. I know it can't hurt me but I feel like I'm suffocating

01-22-2013, 06:42 AM
I understand how you feel. Try to take your mind off it by doing something else. Remember that you wont always feel anxious along with the symptoms you feel during anxiety, sometimes things just feel like they are hurting on their own. Knowing your symptoms and that they can not hurt you is half the battle. the other half is staying strong, you can do it!

01-22-2013, 06:47 AM
Do you REALLY feel fine, though? As in, 100% perfectly calm and collected?

Don't forget, once you've developed anxiety / panic disorder, the way your brain processes stress CHANGES.
What used to be manageable and within normal levels, is now easily capable of triggering fight or flight at the least bit of stress.

I'd have times when, on the face of it, I felt OK - but if I was to give myself a thorough analysis, I could actually tell that there was a hint of tension / stress present.

In particular, my mind was NOT (and never is!) totally calm. I would ALWAYS have stuff going on, like work stress, etc.... but this was enough to trigger the symptoms of the disorder I had developed.

Those with anxiety/panic disorder are NOT normal in terms of how they cope with stress. Their bodies react to it, causing the symptoms we are all too familiar with.

01-22-2013, 08:49 AM
I understand how you feel. Try to take your mind off it by doing something else. Remember that you wont always feel anxious along with the symptoms you feel during anxiety, sometimes things just feel like they are hurting on their own. Knowing your symptoms and that they can not hurt you is half the battle. the other half is staying strong, you can do it!

Trying to be as strong as possible. Just went to see a good friend as I've been staying in for the past few weeks. I got so nervous on the way over and managed to stay for 2 hours. In the back of my mind I was thinking about my anxiety and just before I left it really started to kick in. I'm fairly new to all this so I guess I have a long way to go. Thanks for the advice :)

01-22-2013, 09:40 AM
We all get like this at some stage. I'm glad you went out to visit a friend and stayed for a couple of hours. It doesn't matter if in the back if your head you were thinking about the anxiety or that it started to creep in before you left. Just the fact that you done this and stuck it out is a HUGE victory. I locked myself away for 2 months, so I know how you feel. It's a big step in the right direction :)