View Full Version : Does anyone else have pain all over their body?

01-22-2013, 03:50 AM
Does anyone get pain all over their body? I have pain in the area below my collar bone, pain in my back, pain in my arms, pain in my ribs. It comes & goes, but i always feel sore. Sometimes i get sharp pains but they go away. My left breast area below my collar bone feels heavy when i get anxious. I dont feel any lumps or anything, so i think its just the muscles. Ive had intense anxiety since december of 2012 & i always tense up. So what is causing all this soreness?

01-22-2013, 04:20 AM
Does anyone get pain all over their body? I have pain in the area below my collar bone, pain in my back, pain in my arms, pain in my ribs. It comes & goes, but i always feel sore. Sometimes i get sharp pains but they go away. My left breast area below my collar bone feels heavy when i get anxious. I dont feel any lumps or anything, so i think its just the muscles. Ive had intense anxiety since december of 2012 & i always tense up. So what is causing all this soreness?

One assumes you've been to the docs and had the all clear in terms of anything physical?

We all suffer (or have suffered) seemingly unexplainable, randomly-positioned pains at various degrees of severity.
With anxiety, the most common are chest, neck, shoulder and arm pains.

During an attack, various muscles tense / spasm and generally freak out because of an adrenalin injection and high nerve activity. So much so that the muscles are left feeling sore and
can take quite a while to calm down & recover.

You should notice that these pains are not constant, but are obvious when anxious / stressed.

One thing I noticed is that, no matter how much you rub and massage the affected area(s) - it did nothing.

01-22-2013, 05:26 AM
Yes I had this for the first few months. I found hot baths great for this. I still get back pain and spasm from the tension so try yoga too which helps to stretch out the muscles again.

It's really draining I know hope it goes away for u