View Full Version : Pursuing Psychology

Chelsea Marie Giovacchino
01-22-2013, 12:05 AM
So, I'm not going to retype my whole introduction of myself but if you'd like to read it, it can be found under the Introductions forum titled "Hello!" - the site won't let me post a link.

Being a college freshman, I'm trying to decide what major to pursue, and so comes the question. I've always been incredibly interested in psychology, and it's always been something that just came easily and naturally to me. My majors I'm most interested in are Secondary Education or Psychology, if I went into psychology I'd be interested in Clinical. My problem is that I worry if trying to constantly counsel people through their problems would aggravate my own. If I had a patient that I couldn't help or ended up committing suicide or something I would take it incredibly personally.

I was just wondering how other people felt about the idea of someone with anxiety being a Psychologist and still managing their own issues.

Thanks in advance, guys!

01-22-2013, 05:45 AM
I was just wondering how other people felt about the idea of someone with anxiety being a Psychologist and still managing their own issues.

Thanks in advance, guys!

Personally I think its a great idea. Most psychologists probably have not experienced what their patients go through so you will have a unique perspective. Not only is that great in itself but you will get a better insight into your own problems. You may even be able to overcome your problems a lot easier and deal with them better. I can only see it as a good thing and I doubt it would exacerbate any of your problems. Even if your problems did get worse, you would know how to deal with them.

I can tell you for certain I would be a lot happier if I knew my psychologist had experienced what I had.

As for your concern about patient suicides and those type of dangers, I can only say that you probably need to be prepared for it. What doctors/psychologists/psychiatrists/nurses/support staff of all kinds have to deal with on a day to day basis will test the strongest of people. Im not trying to scare you, but be prepared for it as its part of the job.

01-22-2013, 08:04 AM
I'm a psychology major and will graduate this year. I think it's a great idea because we know how it feels to be on the other side.