View Full Version : Very strange...

01-21-2013, 06:34 PM
Ok...so my anxiety has been on the bad side for the past 2 weeks...almost as bad as when it firs began. Anyways , my main issue is having scary obsessive thoughts which is an issue right now, but not only is that a problem, but im also terribly afraid of losing my mind and being crazy. With that fear I notice EVERY little weird thing that crosses my mind and lately I have this very strange thing going on that's driving me up a wall. It's having these weird random thoughts that make no sense to what I'm thinking. Like for example, I was in the bathroom applying makeup and I was thinking but I don't remember about what but then this random thought of "Eric's dad" crossed my mind. I do not know anyone named Eric :( then I had this weird thought a few weeks ago about my daughter because she was being loud downstairs "what if I killed her at 6 o clock" I wasn't angry that she woke me by being loud, I don't know where the thought came from. Another one was from a couple days ago I was looking for pajamas in my drawer and thinking about which to where and the though "capital letters" crossed my mind. This is realllly freaking me the fuck out...does this happen to anyone else?

01-21-2013, 06:43 PM
I have weird scary thoughts to. The one i remember the most is when i was holding a baby. I thought "what would happen if i dropped this baby?" It is scary because it makes me not feel normal, almost like a danger.

01-21-2013, 07:43 PM
I have these weird thoughts also today I was in my moms car and I thought am I here? I got this intense feeling that I wasn't and like I couldn't think right it was weird

01-21-2013, 08:02 PM
Omg i get this all the time ! It is like i am constantly saying my social security # in my head it is so annoying ! I also get bad thoughts too it is so scary ! The one day i forgot what day it is

01-21-2013, 08:24 PM
Does anyone ever doze off but then get jolted awake but strange noises? Like a train zooming through, laughing, or like slamming doors or books?! Sometimes i wonder how my head can take so much?! Lately its been random headpains and nausea... :/
When does it stop.

01-22-2013, 05:54 AM
This is realllly freaking me the fuck out...does this happen to anyone else?

This has been happening to me since my anxiety started. I have had the same type of thoughts and its been driving me crazy the thought of going crazy.

You are certainly not alone. I almost broke down in a room at work because of these types of thoughts, thankfully someone was about to help.

Hang in there cos your not crazy. If you were you would not realise it and you would not be anxious thinking you were going crazy.


01-22-2013, 04:06 PM
Im the same as forwells. Some random memory will suddenly pop into my head for no reason. It can be something I havent thought of for years :-s

01-22-2013, 04:12 PM
Im the same as forwells. Some random memory will suddenly pop into my head for no reason. It can be something I havent thought of for years :-s

This happens me too. I often relive an awkward situation in my head, then I notice I'm making excuses or reassuring myself out loud. It's weird.

01-22-2013, 04:38 PM
I have this then u really over analis it and the more I try not to think of random stuff the more it pops in my head!

01-23-2013, 06:04 PM
Thanks for the replies everybody :) I feel a little better...for now haha