View Full Version : Anxiety up at the mo

01-21-2013, 01:15 PM
Having palps every few beats and its freaking me out I haven't had it like this for a long time, I could cry please someone tell me they get this too !! I don't feel ill with it no pains just tight nervous shoulders and feel sick worried its my heart but surely if it was my heart I'd feel ill too wouldn't I ??? X

01-21-2013, 02:51 PM
Having palps every few beats and its freaking me out I haven't had it like this for a long time, I could cry please someone tell me they get this too !! I don't feel ill with it no pains just tight nervous shoulders and feel sick worried its my heart but surely if it was my heart I'd feel ill too wouldn't I ??? X

It happens. Dont forget... today is "blue monday" - the most depressing day of the year.

Do you have any strong med you can take?

I found that NOTHING... except a benzo & of course time would get me out of a major heart wobble episode.

Tried coughing? or holding your nose & pushing as if passing motion? sounds odd but sometimes stimulates the vagus nerve.

01-21-2013, 02:52 PM
You said you haven't had this for a long time but you have had it before. You KNOW this is anxiety. If it was heart problems you wouldn't be typing this. You're going to be fine, this will run its course and you'll be fine like you have probably loads of times before. Stay strong :)

01-21-2013, 03:24 PM
Thanks guys of course you are right I will be fine, I've calmed down lots palps have stopped, so of course if it was heart related it wouldn't have passed like this, dazza I don't have any mess in that I can just take what are the best to her and where can I get them.... Dazza r u on another anxiety forum NMP ?? I was browsing on there earlier and saw a dazza 123 wondered if it was u x

01-21-2013, 03:25 PM
MEDS not mess lol

01-21-2013, 03:38 PM
I have had this for 7 mths now everyday and every other beat sometimes for hours at a time. I will tell us that I have done much research on this and found that magnesium helps heart palps. You can get epsim salt and take a bath in it and its suppose to help calm them down. I went and bought magnesium citrate 400 mg
the other day and cut it up in 4's and took one yesterday and my palps stopped with in 1 hour. I had 1 palp this morning and took another pill and have not had one since:) I am so hoping this will be my cure for my palps! I have tried everything under the sun, but if you look up vitamins that help heart palps you will see they use mag in the hospital for people having heart attacks. Of course it's a much higher does. But if you are deficient in it at the least it can cause palps.

01-22-2013, 08:21 AM
Thanks guys of course you are right I will be fine, I've calmed down lots palps have stopped, so of course if it was heart related it wouldn't have passed like this, dazza I don't have any mess in that I can just take what are the best to her and where can I get them.... Dazza r u on another anxiety forum NMP ?? I was browsing on there earlier and saw a dazza 123 wondered if it was u x


I can only vouch for diazepam (valium) as a fast-acting, calming med. because that's all I tried.
It worked wonders for me.

No, I'm not on any other forum, that's another Dazza. I salute him for having such a great name though :-)