View Full Version : Hey people.-health anxiety??

01-21-2013, 12:47 PM
So my name is Michael and I'm 18. Im trying to figure out exactly what is wrong with me and was wondering if y'all could help. I have had a constant stomach pain for about 5 months. So i guess ill start from the beginning. I was really anxious about going to a dallas cowboys game and the whole week what i was thinking was i hope i don't get sick. That went through my mind many times and then the day before i started getting really bad stomach pains. But it wasn't bad enough to keep me from the game. So i went and the next day i felt fine but decided to go to a dr anyway and told him my symptoms of my constant dull stomach pain that flared up bad when i ate. So he initially diagnosed me with an ulcer. So i go home look up the signs for an ulcer and start feeling all of those things. Then about 2 months later my stomach was hurting still and i thought about my stomach all of the time i didn't Harbaugh travel anywhere because i would think my stomach would start hurting. So we took a trip to the gastro dr and he didn't think i had an ulcer but he said it could be a mild case of ibs or an allergen to gluten. So i got an upper endoscopy done and it came back with nothing and so i also got an ultra sound to check my kidneys and gall bladder and it came back normal. So the dr put me on dyclomine (i think thats what its called) so now my mind was clear and it went away for a little. But then i woke up one morning and it just felt like i was in a completely different mood like im trying to tell my self in my head I'm in a good mood but i cant and my stomach is hurting and it starts hurting more and more. And its just hard to explain. But now it seems like in a constant battle with my self to convince my self im not sick. And my stomach is constantly hurting. And then when i eat things i seem more anxious about this. Its hard to explain but i look back at just a week ago and i see that person in such a better mood. Im probably not the best at explaining this but it seems like im in a constant battle in my head to convince my self my stomach doesn't hurt and then it feels like im having a panic attack my stomach will start hurting real bad and ill get a headache and have to keep telling my self ill be fine. I even almost thought my self into thinking i was getting the stomach flu again. So i was just curious what y'all think of this situation. Thx!!

01-22-2013, 12:10 AM
Hey mike, I think I can relate to what you're going through. When my anxiety attacks started, for about 6 months I was getting stomach pains. While I still get very anxious and freak out about my health and all that, the stomach pains have pretty much gone way. I started taking Prilosec OTC and it helped ease the build up of acid in my stomach. Definitely talk to your doctor about it because it helped me a lot.

01-22-2013, 03:50 PM
Hi there, not so long ago I suffered from an irregular heartbeat once I was out of hospital I was checking my heart constantly to see if it was "beating" sounds silly but since then I have been getting really worried and now I have lost my appetite completely there smell or sight of food makes me gag nearly but at night times this seems to be a lot better now I have been having different stools and patterns then there i am googling away to find all sorts of things on the Internet to what can relate to it and it makes me feel so much more anxious I have had bloods done twice these all came back clear but my mind is still telling me that there is more to it is there anything anyone can relate to it would be great to hear from you. Josh