View Full Version : Extremely wierd fears and thoughts, can anyone relate?

01-21-2013, 08:54 AM
Lately I've had some wierd thoughts that trigger my anxiety. I've always loved music but for some reason as of late when I listen to certain types of music or certain artists I just can't do it, its like I'm scared to listen to it and it just makes absolutely no sense to me. The other day I was out to eat with some friends and when he decided to play music rather loudly in the car it became unbearable, and I sat their panicing inside, trying to keep my cool until he decided to lower it. Same thing when I see an old friend whom I haven't seen in a while, the whole derealization feeling hits and I get racing thoughts. I also use to love going for long drives but lately I just can't do it, every time I drive for an extended period of time or encounter any traffic I just get lightheaded, start breathing heavy, my thoughts start racing, and I just panic and rush to get back home and calm down. I feel like I'm going insane and just want to be normal again. Can anyone relate?

01-21-2013, 09:01 AM
Yeah I get the same except I don't drive but the whole music and friends thing