View Full Version : Anxiety induced problems?

01-20-2013, 11:35 PM
Anyone here experience anxiety induced neck soreness and feeling of discomfort predominantly when in a crowded place where exits aren't nearby?. Such situations as mass at a church, classroom and meetings.
I tend to experience somewhat severe neck soreness and feeling of discomfort as if I'm going to flinch or scream. It's really uncomfortable to deal with these. These seem to happen a lot when I'm in a crowded place sitting down or standing up and happen more severely in areas where lights are very bright compard to dark areas such as movie theater. In a movie theater I don't really experience it as much as other situations in brighter atmosphere.
Any idea what this could be? Is this solely anxiety induced or could it be minor agoraphobia?
And which medication will be useful in treating these symptoms?

01-21-2013, 01:07 AM
Anxiety does not cause neck soreness.... You can beat this problem

01-21-2013, 01:12 AM
It actually can. It's the muscles in your neck being stretched and tense because you're anxious. I get it a lot and I find that gently rubbing it and turning my head from side to side helps. Also try visualising - picture your muscles unwinding themselves and relaxing - it takes a bit if practice but it works really well.

01-21-2013, 01:53 AM
I had this happen to me yesterday when I went to the pub to watch football. When I first got in my neck tensed up. I just done what Manz82 said, I turned my head left to right a few times and rubbed the back of my neck, it was gone in 5 minutes. I've had this happen quite a bit when I'm out so I don't let it get to me. Also I notice cold weather won't help it either, so I suggest wrapping up your neck and head well if it's cold outside.

01-21-2013, 03:50 AM
Anxiety can cause neck soreness or stiffness because of tense muscles. It can effect many parts of the body.
Crowded places are pretty common for this. I go to a very large church and many times have to sit in the back so I do not feel trapped. Malls not so much because I am always moving and feel I could leave but Church, movie theater or anywhere I am in the middle of a sitting group of people.

01-21-2013, 04:02 PM
Anxiety can cause neck soreness or stiffness because of tense muscles. It can effect many parts of the body.
Crowded places are pretty common for this. I go to a very large church and many times have to sit in the back so I do not feel trapped. Malls not so much because I am always moving and feel I could leave but Church, movie theater or anywhere I am in the middle of a sitting group of people.

Yeah I experience exactly the same symptoms.
It is probably due to anxiety but i feel as though i have developed a habit of becoming really tense in crowded places over time. It seems to be worse when im wearing my contact lenses instead of wearing glasses. Guess blurry vision has something to do with it as well.

These symptoms usually last for like 20-30min then instantly goes away when i leave that certain place.

What might be the best methods to overcome these?

01-21-2013, 08:27 PM
Yeah I experience exactly the same symptoms.
It is probably due to anxiety but i feel as though i have developed a habit of becoming really tense in crowded places over time. It seems to be worse when im wearing my contact lenses instead of wearing glasses. Guess blurry vision has something to do with it as well.

These symptoms usually last for like 20-30min then instantly goes away when i leave that certain place.

What might be the best methods to overcome these?

Hi, If I knew the secret I would tell you. I do know that when I want to flee someplace, unless it is a really bad one, I make myself stay until it passes. Years ago my therapist told me the more I ran from something the more real I would make the fear and the more it would take hold.
For a long time for some reason I suddenly could not ride in the back seat of a car or I would totally flip out, crying, shaking, nausea, vertigo, the worst ever. He told me to ride in the back seat every chance I got, it was horrible for a week or two but it did work and now I have little or no issue with it at all.
I do take meds for it though, I am on Celexa every day and Klonopin as needed. Sometimes I can go days or weeks without the Klonopin and sometimes I take it daily. Lately daily pretty much. I live in Michigan and the cold dreary days make me feel trapped.
I guess all I can say is you have just know in your mind that it will pass and go through it rather then run from it. I am getting a little better with places but I obsess on my pets for some reason. My cat coughed the other day and all I have done is worry and stare at him constantly to the point he is shying away from me. I think he senses my uneasiness and doesn't like it either. Why I am so terrified that a healthy 4 year old cat is going to drop dead is beyond me. Over the years I have gone back and forth with what I obsess on.
I have found that yoga classes help and I am currently reading "Overcoming Anxiety for Dummies" and there is a lot of good information in there. Hoping to find some tools to work with this year. 10 years has been a long road to go down so far.
Hope you find something that works! Just know you are not alone and you can message me anytime.

01-22-2013, 10:04 AM
Hi, If I knew the secret I would tell you. I do know that when I want to flee someplace, unless it is a really bad one, I make myself stay until it passes. Years ago my therapist told me the more I ran from something the more real I would make the fear and the more it would take hold.
For a long time for some reason I suddenly could not ride in the back seat of a car or I would totally flip out, crying, shaking, nausea, vertigo, the worst ever. He told me to ride in the back seat every chance I got, it was horrible for a week or two but it did work and now I have little or no issue with it at all.
I do take meds for it though, I am on Celexa every day and Klonopin as needed. Sometimes I can go days or weeks without the Klonopin and sometimes I take it daily. Lately daily pretty much. I live in Michigan and the cold dreary days make me feel trapped.
I guess all I can say is you have just know in your mind that it will pass and go through it rather then run from it. I am getting a little better with places but I obsess on my pets for some reason. My cat coughed the other day and all I have done is worry and stare at him constantly to the point he is shying away from me. I think he senses my uneasiness and doesn't like it either. Why I am so terrified that a healthy 4 year old cat is going to drop dead is beyond me. Over the years I have gone back and forth with what I obsess on.
I have found that yoga classes help and I am currently reading "Overcoming Anxiety for Dummies" and there is a lot of good information in there. Hoping to find some tools to work with this year. 10 years has been a long road to go down so far.
Hope you find something that works! Just know you are not alone and you can message me anytime.

I really recommend you to read the book made by the panic away.
This book helped me a lot as it taught me to let anxious feelings flow within my body and let it cease on itself. I think this method is called mindfulness.

But yes it really helped me to cope with many situations and because of this i am no longer fleeing away instead i am just coping with it. Apart from that neck soreness and feeling of discomfort, i think i have rest of my body in control.

I, too have had various compulsive thoughts. Like hurting my pet or friends and family but I found that the idea of hurting someone or something that means to me a lot creates an anxiety which in return bring more obsessive thoughts. The best way is to let it pass and realize that you won't have to worry because deep inside you won't do such things.

Recently ive been having mood swings and minor depression but im dealing with it and i think it will go away if i try to focus on other things and make myself busy most of the time.

Thanks for your input btw and yeah let's stay in touch.

P.s your cat couging maybe cuz of his or her hairball lol my cat does it sometimes dont worry.