View Full Version : Pets :)

01-20-2013, 05:58 PM
Hey guys!

Does anyone have any pets?
I have a beautiful golden retriever, her name is Binx, I love her tons!!
My dog helps me through tough spots, cuz she gets me out of the house. She needs a walk every night. Even though I don't want to go, I have to, and it ends up making me feel better.
She's also super cuddly. I find cuddling with her instantly relaxes me, even if I'm going crazy with anxiety she makes me feel a bit calmer.
Does anyone else feel like this with their pets??

01-20-2013, 06:32 PM
Hey guys!

Does anyone have any pets?
I have a beautiful golden retriever, her name is Binx, I love her tons!!
My dog helps me through tough spots, cuz she gets me out of the house. She needs a walk every night. Even though I don't want to go, I have to, and it ends up making me feel better.
She's also super cuddly. I find cuddling with her instantly relaxes me, even if I'm going crazy with anxiety she makes me feel a bit calmer.
Does anyone else feel like this with their pets??

I did feel like that when I had my dog, but I have to give him away and I'm not allowed to have any more pets because of my stepfather, as long as I have no conditions of living on my own I have to obey the house rules and one of them is having no pets. I tried to convince my parents that it'd be good for everyone, mostly me since pets are a huge help when you feel sad and lonely... meh I wish I could have one!

01-20-2013, 07:01 PM
I have 2 boxers, they are my babies! However, when we first got our first dog, Duke, he was 8 wks old. And my anxiety was not great at that time... For the first week we had him, I had panic attacks every night. I have no idea why, I had wanted a dog so bad and we were very excited about getting him. Anyways, it passed and now I couldn't imagine life without them. And I didn't get anxious after we got our second dog. I do worry about them sometimes, but I guess that's normal because they are like my children. :)

01-20-2013, 07:53 PM
I feel my pets know when I'm sad or not feeling right because they always come to comfort me. They help me a lot. I have 3 cats and 1 dog (a chug).

01-20-2013, 08:27 PM
I feel my pets know when I'm sad or not feeling right because they always come to comfort me. They help me a lot. I have 3 cats and 1 dog (a chug).

I know exactly what you mean! When I'm having a panic attack my dog comes and sits right next to me. They know!!

01-20-2013, 09:23 PM
Yep I have 4 shih tzus and when my anxiety is getting high they will come sit with me as well. Dogs are good companions!

01-21-2013, 05:57 AM
Isn't it amazing what animals can pick up!?

I take my dog running with me as I tend to struggle with hyperventilating and other symptoms setting in when I run alone and he just knows when my breathing is getting out of whack. He slows down and we stop and smell the roses - well he does! It helps tremendously.

I also have two Burmese cats who always make me feel better. My snake and my bird don't emote too much!!

01-21-2013, 05:12 PM
I have 3 labs and I just love them too bits! My oldest has helped me so much and the younger is cuddly lol I love my fur babies x

01-21-2013, 05:13 PM
I have 3 labs and I just love them too bits! My oldest has helped me so much and the younger is cuddly lol I love my fur babies x

Oooooooops I meant 2 lol