View Full Version : Magnesium citrate and anxiety and depression and heart palps

01-20-2013, 04:12 PM
Just wanted to share this link with all y'all. I have been having heart skip beats for 7 mths everyday and anxiety. I have surfed the Internet to find something natural to help besides presc pills. It is shown that taking antidepressants deplete us of a lot of vitamins. Anyway, I went and bought this on Thursday. Being afraid to take anything I tried it today. I bought the 400mg. I cut it up in 4 pieces. This is a big pill. It scares me to take anything whole at first. I took 1 piece at 11:00 this morning because the palps were driving me crazy. 1 hour after taking this I have not had 1 skipped beat so far:):):). It also relaxes your right muscles, helps with fibromyalgia , helps calm your nerves and helps you sleep. I am not going to get to excited as I have had palps for months BUT I am very happy at the moment that I have been palp free for 7 hrs now. It is a record for me. Lol. It seems to have calmed me down and even made me in a better mood. Anyone ever try this? Did it work for you?

01-20-2013, 04:13 PM
Forgot the link. Lol


01-20-2013, 04:16 PM
Forgot the link. Lol


I also bought epsin salt. How ever you spell it for the bath. They say you can put it in your bath and soak for 15 mins and it helps calm nerves and calm palps. There is also an oil you can by that you rub on your body when your anxiety goes up or your having a lot of palps. They say most palps that are not heart related are mag deficient in your body.

01-21-2013, 10:56 AM
Anybody read this post?

01-22-2013, 12:45 AM
Please keep us updated on how it works. At this point I will try anything! :)

01-22-2013, 11:24 AM
Please keep us updated on how it works. At this point I will try anything! :)

So far day 3 and only 1 today:) I can't believe it. I don't know how to act not having them all day long. Lol.

01-22-2013, 12:24 PM
I also bought epsin salt. How ever you spell it for the bath. They say you can put it in your bath and soak for 15 mins and it helps calm nerves and calm palps. There is also an oil you can by that you rub on your body when your anxiety goes up or your having a lot of palps. They say most palps that are not heart related are mag deficient in your body.

That's great :) also check vitamin D and depression ..
I was taking magnesium axide for a few days .. And differences?

01-22-2013, 02:08 PM
That's great :) also check vitamin D and depression ..
I was taking magnesium axide for a few days .. And differences?

I am Low on D and B12. I did the D dosages and B 12 shots 1 time a month.