View Full Version : Please help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

01-20-2013, 04:08 PM
So i suffer from really bad anxiety, lately ive had my hand stuck on my chest because im afraid. Well anyways, sometimes when i feel my chest, my heart rate will be strong & then it will slow down & i can barely feel it & then it will get strong again. Ive felt my pulse during these episodes & my pulse feels strong & fine, i took my blood pressure & it was 122/72 with a pulse of 77. I also get heart palpatations. Im 20, female, dont smoke, im NOT over weight & heart diease does NOT run in my family. When my heart slows down, i do NOT get pain, or dizziness or anything like that. I feel fine. Except for the fact it causes me anxiety. & then i feel crappy. When im doing activity my heart beat is nice & strong, but when i rest it goes from strong to light & barely noticable & then can get stronger again. But is it normal for your heart beat to be stronger & then slow down when you're resting?

01-20-2013, 04:18 PM
It sounds typical of a build up to a panic attack. You might have a minor one without really noticing, hence feeling crappy afterwards. The heartbeat going from strong to unnoticable is a classic panic symptom.

01-20-2013, 04:52 PM
So i suffer from really bad anxiety, lately ive had my hand stuck on my chest because im afraid. Well anyways, sometimes when i feel my chest, my heart rate will be strong & then it will slow down & i can barely feel it & then it will get strong again. Ive felt my pulse during these episodes & my pulse feels strong & fine, i took my blood pressure & it was 122/72 with a pulse of 77. I also get heart palpatations. Im 20, female, dont smoke, im NOT over weight & heart diease does NOT run in my family. When my heart slows down, i do NOT get pain, or dizziness or anything like that. I feel fine. Except for the fact it causes me anxiety. & then i feel crappy. When im doing activity my heart beat is nice & strong, but when i rest it goes from strong to light & barely noticable & then can get stronger again. But is it normal for your heart beat to be stronger & then slow down when you're resting?

I went through an obsessive phase of constantly monitoring my heart.
I listened to every beat, and if it didn't seem absolutely perfectly in rythm & strength then I'd worry, which threw me back into the world of panic... over and over and over again <sigh>

This went on for around 7 months. Perhaps the worst 7 months of my life.

I'll write the obvious:

Get yourself checked out and, when given the all clear, consider some cognetic therapy to help change your obsessive behaviour.

As a general rule; if you're not gasping for breath & experiencing severe chest pain on, say, climbing stairs... then you don't have a heart issue.

Fact is, anxiety and/or panic directly influences the heart rythm / rate & strength. I know this because I've been there countless times this past year.
In the end, I could actually predict when my heart was about to go wobbly. I could sense the stress building up and then my fight or flight mechanism kicking in. Seriously - I felt the precise moment when my mind & body switched to panic mode and I knew I was in trouble.

Try to take your mind & focus off your heart because, as long as you continue this way... your anxiety will prevail.