View Full Version : Horrible Day

01-20-2013, 02:08 PM
I'm still having pressure above my ear on my head and behind my ear. It hasn't stopped. I do have sinuses going on right now, but this has been going on since the first of the month. I was reading about pressure in the mastoid because its driving me crazy and it said it could be from inner ear infection but my ear doesn't hurt. The next two things were brain tumor or blood clot. I'm freaking out. Crying at the moment and cry a lot. I'm scared to go to the doc because I'm scared he's going to tell me something bad or make me get a ct or MRI which terrifies me :(

01-20-2013, 03:25 PM
It might be nothing but stress. I suffer sinusitis and I know all the little pressure changes and all the little head pains can make me freak out and ultimately make it worse. Also if it is an inner ear infection you won't necessarily feel pain in the ear. It's rather common not to. Pressure above the ear more than likely is sinus'. Ears, eyes and nose are all linked and if there is a problem with sinus it's very common to feel pressure around the head. I get it in my ears and temples, especially this time of year with the barometric pressure changing so much. It's very easy to get carried away reading all that material you find on Google.

01-20-2013, 03:28 PM
I can have that for months. And it is sinus related. I can be stuff up with sinus for months. Sometime I have to take an antibiotic to help it. I had it bad for almost 4 months one time. Don't be worried. If you had a clot or a tumor you would be in worse shape than that. A clot will leave you not able to think with the worst headache of your life! A friend of mine had that and could not even function.

01-20-2013, 05:47 PM
It scares me to death because its annoying the pressure is... I cried today because I was terrified. My girlfriend thinks I'm nuts.

01-20-2013, 06:04 PM
I had this same thing for three months. Scared me to death as well. I finally got sinus meds and am on celexa and it is now mostly gone... Which I never thought would go away. I hate it. It is all anxiety and sinus. Try and relax. But I know how u feel. Hope it gets better soon.

01-20-2013, 06:55 PM
Yours was pressure headband feeling above your ear?

01-20-2013, 10:07 PM

01-21-2013, 01:44 AM
Not sure what you mean by pressure headband.

01-21-2013, 07:46 AM
Im having sinus issues right now too. And even though my nose isnt stuffy, i still get that feeling of pressure right bouve my eyes, in my emples and right infront of my ear. I also am a teeth grinder at night so that also contributes to my headaches. All i wanna do right now is go home, get my heating pad on my head, and go to sleep. But i cant. I cant wait until i go home though because thats exactly what im gonna do.

01-21-2013, 12:22 PM
It's like right above my ear in my head that's what makes me think its a blood clot or tumor. It's an annoying sensation. I hate allergies!

01-21-2013, 02:54 PM
Has there been any weather changes around you recently? Snow or rain?

01-21-2013, 04:40 PM
Both! I live in Oklahoma lol

01-21-2013, 05:59 PM
Yeah I thought there might. Weather like this sends my sinusitis nuts. I had a freak out this morning because of the sudden pressure behind my eyes and nose. It was just after starting to snow when it struck. It's well documented that sinus and weather are inter-linked somehow. Nobody knows how but it's true. Changes in Barometric Pressure can play havoc with a persons sinus. For me really cold, dry air, rain and snow really amp up the sinusitis. For other people really warm, arid climate does it and some people both. It could be the constant change in weather that brings it on. I recommend getting a saline nose rinse like netipot if you don't already have one. They're not expensive and are good for the sinus. If you feel stuffy fill a large bowl with hot water (not boiling hot) and a towel over your head and breath in the steam. This is great for keeping the sinus from drying out and getting worse (you can add scented oil to the water if you like, some people do). Alternatively you'll get the same effect if you run the shower good and hot and just sit in the room and breath in the steam (like a sauna). Keep taking decongestion tablets to relieve pressure. If you think your sinus are getting worse go to your Dr. They normally prescribe penicillan to clear the infection and if that doesn't work they might ramp it up to a mild steroid. But ultimately it's not a big deal. I know it's not a nice feeling and on top of anxiety it's just a catalyst but sinus problems are very easily sorted out. I hope this helps you and hope you're feeling better

01-21-2013, 06:45 PM
Both! I live in Oklahoma lol

I live in oklahoma too lol

01-21-2013, 06:50 PM
This feeling gives me more anxiety than I already have lol...everyone here thinks I'm insane. I always think something is wrong with me. I just know one of these times something really will be. That's what I'm always thinking. Like with this pressure I think it's bad and I haven't lived normal since it started happening.

01-21-2013, 07:46 PM
This feeling gives me more anxiety than I already have lol...everyone here thinks I'm insane. I always think something is wrong with me. I just know one of these times something really will be. That's what I'm always thinking. Like with this pressure I think it's bad and I haven't lived normal since it started happening.

I feel the same my mind always thinks there's something wrong with me from physical to mental health it sucks