View Full Version : Single dilated pupil

05-27-2007, 10:46 AM
Anyone else had this? Its been the case since I had my first major panic attack, not really getting them anymore but my right eye is sometimes more dilated than the left. If I've just got up in the morning sometimes the left is larger however the pupil dilation of my eyes is better than it was before.

I went to the doctors and they said that my eyes seemed fine and that they were reacting to light but they didn't look into my eyes, should I go to the optitians, will I need a brain scan? I heard that this problem is due to brain damage or tumor!

Or is this just a case of prolonged anxiety?

Please help me.

the big bad i said no!
05-27-2007, 06:41 PM
I too had this problem for a while after i had my first panic attack back in 2002. Please dont worry mate, i also immediately thought there was something drasticly wrong with me, as i do a lot of the time, damed anxiety! I doubt very much that theres something wrong and when it happened to me i forgot about it over time (a few months) then suddenly remembered, checked in the mirror and they looked normal. your just adding fuel to extra anxietys, which i understand is hard not to do, but i sure it'l pass. :)

05-27-2007, 09:59 PM
Thankyou so much for your help! It hasn't been as bad recently only when I'm really anxious and it only seems to occur when I look in the morror and think about it lol.

I also posted on the Derealization forum and these guys have the same prob too.

Thanks again :D

05-28-2007, 04:13 AM
I at least thought I had this problem years ago when I was going through anxiety fro drug use. Things were made worse since a counselor at the time mentioed that drug use could lead to a stroke (which often causes unequal pupil dilation). But I came out of the drug anxiety OKAY. And this really wasn't much of a worry since then.

One more thing. It is quite likely that your pupils could be changing size together as you turn you head to look at each one (due to differences in the lighting of your eyes caused by facing lights at different angles, etc.). So this may not even be happening (as your doctor claims).

05-28-2007, 07:38 AM
Ah right, I have used drugs in the past once and I was worried as hell after and still am a bit now cause I don't know what it could have done but I'm sure its not that because it wasn't apparent straight after and I doubt I've had a stroke, surely I'd know about it right.