View Full Version : one minute panic, next minute calm

01-19-2013, 10:42 AM
Does anyone find their anxiety comes and goes quickly? Recently my anxiety has been getting worse. I think im becoming a hypochondriac. Anyway, i was obsessing over a pain in my leg, determined it was a blood clot, and so my mind was going 100 mph. But about half an hour later, my mind was calmer. I know a panic attack can come on suddenly, but anyone esle experience them going just as quickly?

01-19-2013, 12:19 PM
There's no set time for a panic attack unfortunately. Half an hour is actually quite a long time in my opinion. If I can give you any advice it would be this, first thing to do is take slow relaxed breaths. Don't take deep breaths just relaxed regular slow breaths. Second thing to do is find a distraction, I find it helps dismiss the attack a lot quicker. I personally pace slowly around, it burns of excess energy (or so I tell myself but hey it helps) but everyone is different. The most important thing though is remember there is nothing to fear, easier said than done I know but trust me, the more accepting you are of this and the more you're prepared to face it head on the easier it is. It took me while to accept it but it's the first piece of advice I'd give anyone who is suffering anxiety. I have my panic attacks down to 5-10 minutes now. I've also started Cognitive Behavioural Therapy recently and I would recommend it. There are a few ways to do it. Tapes, dvd's, books or 1 on 1 counselling. Depends on your preference. I've been doing the 1on 1 sessions because I think a person observing me will have a better idea of what exercises and train of thought could benefit me most. I hope this helps you.

a l i c i a
01-20-2013, 01:36 AM
Mine have been like that at times. Usually when they are like that I have a couple of them that day though.

01-20-2013, 10:38 AM
I have heard a lot of positive things from CBT. I am going to try that. I might do the 1 on 1 sessions, because i finally have insurance so it wont cost me an arm and a leg. I think i have physical effects of anxiety, just not as much during the attack. My attacks consist of the racing thoughts. Its like every decision ive made, every part of being human turns into an evil demon that keeps showing me fearful thoughts and i cant close the eyes in my mind. I think the stress of anxiety gives me the symtpoms like chest pain, fatigue, weakness, racing heart.

01-20-2013, 12:16 PM
It's a proven fact that anxiety and stress cause all the symptoms you described. Just remember it's your bodies way of trying to defend itself. You have nothing to worry about. Glad to hear you're going to try CBT and I hope it helps you as much as it's helping me so far. I've read up on a lot of different things that helps reduce anxiety and as far as I can see CBT has the highest success rates. Also I don't know if you have done this yet (obviously) but have you tried cutting certain things from your diet? I recently cut a lot of things from my diet that have negative effects on anxiety and I have to say I'm thinking a lot clearer. I honestly think it has helped me take good strides in challenging my anxiety.

01-20-2013, 01:01 PM
What sort of things have you cut out if you dont mind me asking? I dont want to lose any weight so always find it difficult to do this.

01-20-2013, 01:26 PM
Yeah, no problem. I cut out all caffeine pretty much. This was the first thing. I have one cup of tea in the morning with breakfast and that is as much caffeine as I take. I'm off alcohol completely now. I work in a bar so I drank a little more than the average person if I'm honest so this can only be a good thing. I also quit smoking. I cut out sugars. No more soft drinks (I drank a ridiculous amount of coca cola). I now just drink milk and water and my 1 cup of tea a day. I cut out white bread, now only eat wholemeal bread (mostly because I suffer IBS) but also it's healthier. Anything cooked in fat I avoid, I try to cook as much as I can in the oven. I also reduced the amount of red meat I eat (I lived on sausage and bacon rolls) and now eat more poultry (fish is good too but I hate fish). I won't lie I lost just over 2 stone in a short time but I could afford to lose it. I was a little above what I would call my ideal weight so no harm done. There are loads of foods that can provoke your anxiety and loads of sites that will tell you what foods provoke it. A lot of them give recipes for meals that are apparently beneficial.