View Full Version : People stop talking to you out of nowhere

01-19-2013, 09:55 AM
Well I've been recovering really well from my anxiety issues, mainly depersonalization which is basically gone, yet I think this part still needs to be worked on a lot, which is feeling horrible when people stop talking to me out of nowhere.

It has happened all my life but mainly this last year or two, people that I used to talk to daily, never got into any conflict with them or any sort of issues, some claim that I was becoming too obsessed with the friendship itself, some said I had a very strange attitude towards some things and half of them don't have a reason for it, I thought that this would end if I changed my attitude, if I became less obsessed with keeping friends and all that, but it did not work. Lately I've been talking to people normally, never putting any pressure on them, just having a healthy friendship and being there incase they needed me, but guess what, they still quit talking to me out of nowhere... I tried not giving a %#$@ when that happens and I have succeeded in part, I don't get all depressed and stuff like I used to but it still bugs me a bit since it doesn't make any sense at all, and what bothers me the most is the fact that it's not only one person at a time, it's like everyone at the same time!

Just wondering if anyone here has similar issues and if you have any tips for me on how not to care whenever this happens, even if you don't have any tips feel free to post your experiences :)

01-19-2013, 01:15 PM
Bumpbump :)

01-19-2013, 06:16 PM
Yeah, I sometimes feel like I have a hard time talking and connecting to people too...

01-19-2013, 06:46 PM
I have quite a few people stop talking to me but the ones that matter stick around.

01-20-2013, 12:10 AM
I find that most of my "friends" are merely acquaintances. It is sad but realize that that is how it is nowadays. People are so busy that they don't want to make any commitments and the only time they are willing to spend with other people is through the internet. To really get to know people we would have to slow down time and go back to the good old days without all these distractions.

01-20-2013, 08:13 AM
Yeah, I sometimes feel like I have a hard time talking and connecting to people too...
I don't really have a problem connecting, I'd say it's actually the opposite but after a while it's like all the effort I put into the friendship was in vain

I have quite a few people stop talking to me but the ones that matter stick around.
See that's what I wish I had, just one or two friends that matter and stick around no matter what, the ones I thought to be like that are gone just like everyone else, I may have been guilty on a few of them which I admit it was my fault, I started ignoring some people yet I don't see how I've gone from having so many people I thought I could trust and be with to no one at all.

I find that most of my "friends" are merely acquaintances. It is sad but realize that that is how it is nowadays. People are so busy that they don't want to make any commitments and the only time they are willing to spend with other people is through the internet. To really get to know people we would have to slow down time and go back to the good old days without all these distractions.
Yep I am well aware of that and it saddens me a lot, it's like we have to get used to live without friends nowadays since people can't be there for each other, I'm not the kind of person that enjoys living like that but I guess I'll have to