View Full Version : Does it just keep getting worse?

01-19-2013, 09:33 AM
Everyday I wake up feeling spaced out not here my mind goes crazy over everything I question myself and my feelings all the time am I real? Am I eating this? Then it freaks me out I panic about everything every feeling... I don't feel like me I feel like I'm alone my whole perception has changed...why couldn't I just stuck with panic attacks? All I do is cry now...I don't know what to do..I'm scared imma get to the point where I'm not me at all anymore..I'm so scared and I have to give birth to a baby like this...I just want to be normal again I want to think like me again..how do I do it? :(

01-19-2013, 09:54 AM
This sounds like derealisation and I get it sometimes and it's scary but nothing to actually worry about. I had it explained to me by a very kind doctor who said that when our mind and body are coping with prolonged states of anxiety, the brain kind of shuts itself down. It could be for a few seconds to several days and that's when we feel unreal and spaced out, but it's happening for a good reason and its our brain's way of actually protecting us and giving us a break.
I found that holding something solid in my hand and saying my own name helps to ground me in these moments. Also, ACCEPT the feeling - don't fight it - let it wash over you, knowing it's temporary and for your own good! You're not going mad - if you were, how would you know? X

01-19-2013, 10:23 AM
Thank you for your reply I just lose hope sometimes

01-20-2013, 02:00 AM
Don't lose hope! What would be the point in that?

The way I see things is, for the past four years I've let this little fucker (sorry for language) control my life - stop me socialising, travelling far, enjoying life and basically living in a state of constant fear - and if I gave up fighting, all that effort would have been for nothing.
Instead, I look at my kids when they're laughing or when they're sleeping, and I count my blessings, telling myself how lucky I am to have my babies. I am determined to get better for them, so that we can do fun things together and eventually even go on holiday! X

01-20-2013, 04:36 AM
Cara, look at it from another perspective. Can things possibly get much worse?
You're stressing over every little thing and constantly dealing with anxiety and panic. It HAS to get better and trust me, it does.
Anxiety might rule your life right now, but keep challenging it - even just a little each day and things will keep getting better. One day you'll look back and be thankful that you had this low period because it will make you a stronger, more compassionate, more determined individual.

01-20-2013, 01:14 PM
Great post above. Its things like this we need to focus on more. Ive had a difficult one today and that just helped thank you. Like you say surely it must get better at some point.

01-20-2013, 01:44 PM
Your right every single day its something racing thoughts not here feeling feeling like I can't control my shit I'm just lost in my damn mind all the time yesterday I actually felt good for once then I wake up today like I'm just zoned out ugh

01-20-2013, 02:41 PM
I've felt like this for the past two months. Nothing feels real lately. I know it's the body's way of calming things down but it's complete misery. So in short I'm going through this too. I'm here if you want to chat. X

01-20-2013, 03:38 PM
I've felt like this for the past two months. Nothing feels real lately. I know it's the body's way of calming things down but it's complete misery. So in short I'm going through this too. I'm here if you want to chat. X

Thanks I'm at a panic again I didn't eat and now I feel like I'm gonna pass out and woozy and this feeling like I'm gonna die or pass out =_= sigh how are u feeling moon?

01-20-2013, 04:31 PM
I felt like that earlier. Told myself to shut up lol and ate. Felt better after but anxiety stayed.

I just woke up and wondered where I was. Gotta love panic attacks !!
How are you feeling now ?

01-20-2013, 04:56 PM
I felt like that earlier. Told myself to shut up lol and ate. Felt better after but anxiety stayed.

I just woke up and wondered where I was. Gotta love panic attacks !!
How are you feeling now ?

Lol I'm having these starnge feelings feel like I never want to leave my room...guess its the depression or maybe I'm just scared to leave it whatever is going on in my mind is messed up...

01-20-2013, 05:02 PM
I just have to say I hope my anxiety doesn't get any worse.... This past couple of weeks have been hell. My anxiety disappeared for months and now it's back with a vengeance. The other day at work I was in such a bad panic attack I thought I was going to throw up. Anyone else deal with this?? Now I feel like I'm in a fog everyday. Headaches....feeling like I'm not here..spaced out...watery eyes... Fast heart rate , even my head feels heavy sometimes!!! Ahhhhh anxiety!!!

01-20-2013, 05:10 PM
Everyday I wake up feeling spaced out not here my mind goes crazy over everything I question myself and my feelings all the time am I real? Am I eating this? Then it freaks me out I panic about everything every feeling... I don't feel like me I feel like I'm alone my whole perception has changed...why couldn't I just stuck with panic attacks? All I do is cry now...I don't know what to do..I'm scared imma get to the point where I'm not me at all anymore..I'm so scared and I have to give birth to a baby like this...I just want to be normal again I want to think like me again..how do I do it? :(

You don't feel like yourself right now because frankly, you're NOT yourself.

You're currently in a world of all-consuming ANXIETY and WORRY, so much so that your brain is flipping & trying it's hardest to deal with it all... leaving no time to process other, normal stuff.
The result of this is that you're left feeling out of control.

You'll get your old self back when you're back in a calm place - whenever that may be. Perhaps after the birth of your child.

It'll all turn out JUSSTTTTT fine :-)

01-20-2013, 08:37 PM
Now I'm on edge I'm gonna panic cus I think there is something wrong trying to get ahold but I can feel it coming I don't know what to do I'm laying down trying to relax maybe I should go to a mental hospital I'm fking scared out of my mind...

01-20-2013, 08:38 PM
And I'm trying to think positive but fk its hard and its not helpin

01-20-2013, 09:19 PM
Have you ever asked ur dr to give u Xanax .25? They will help with that. I think almost everyone who deals with anxiety has it worse at night :( I am sorry you are feeling like this and I hope you can calm yourself down. I have been there n done that and I feel like I am going crazy too :(

01-20-2013, 09:20 PM
So when you listen to music roes that help?

01-20-2013, 10:25 PM
Have you ever asked ur dr to give u Xanax .25? They will help with that. I think almost everyone who deals with anxiety has it worse at night :( I am sorry you are feeling like this and I hope you can calm yourself down. I have been there n done that and I feel like I am going crazy too :(

I'm pregnant can't have nothing like that or none my fking doctors will prescribe me anything which pisses me off cus I hear about pregnant chicks on fking methadone lol and I can't have help with my panic and shit :(

01-20-2013, 10:37 PM
I usually try watching something on tv to take my mind off this shit. Or an app on my phone like Tetris or the jewel games. It worked for me. It doesn't much anymore. I can't eat hardly at all, feel crappy all the time. Night is much worse. Went to the dr. My vitals were perfect and everything looked good. She is running bloodwork and I have a C/T scan Tuesday to see if something is really wrong or I am just losing it. Good luck

01-20-2013, 10:52 PM
I am currently feeling itchy/strange in certain areas of my skin like chest, arm, leg but I just am trying to make myself accept it. That is always the hardest part no matter what the symptom is. Making yourself understand that it won't actually hurt you. I try to look at it like this, and when you really think it will make you mad that you spent the time on it.

Basically almost everyday for the past few months I have worried all day about my health, and what if tomorrow or tonight. I was saying that so long ago and all that time I spent doing that I could've been happy and enjoying myself, but I wasn't. When you are feeling like that there is almost no reasoning with it, but when you have a moment to sit and think it will make you say why am I wasting all this time overthinking every single little thing. I am at the point I feel like I don't know what is real and what isn't when it comes to feelings on my body. I'm sure everything I freak out over I have felt in the past and brushed it off and it never hurt me then. Like I said, if you look back just pick a night when you wondered if tomorrow would come (we all have those thoughts if we are worriers) and ask yourself.. How many of those nights did you spend in agony just to repeat it over the course of a few months and nothing happened. I am currently trying to break this cycle because I'm tired of looking back at lost time.

01-21-2013, 02:10 AM
I am currently feeling itchy/strange in certain areas of my skin like chest, arm, leg but I just am trying to make myself accept it. That is always the hardest part no matter what the symptom is. Making yourself understand that it won't actually hurt you. I try to look at it like this, and when you really think it will make you mad that you spent the time on it.

Basically almost everyday for the past few months I have worried all day about my health, and what if tomorrow or tonight. I was saying that so long ago and all that time I spent doing that I could've been happy and enjoying myself, but I wasn't. When you are feeling like that there is almost no reasoning with it, but when you have a moment to sit and think it will make you say why am I wasting all this time overthinking every single little thing. I am at the point I feel like I don't know what is real and what isn't when it comes to feelings on my body. I'm sure everything I freak out over I have felt in the past and brushed it off and it never hurt me then. Like I said, if you look back just pick a night when you wondered if tomorrow would come (we all have those thoughts if we are worriers) and ask yourself.. How many of those nights did you spend in agony just to repeat it over the course of a few months and nothing happened. I am currently trying to break this cycle because I'm tired of looking back at lost time.

I too am suffering with that itchy, burning skin. I don't worry about it but my god it's irritating.

01-21-2013, 03:00 AM
I too am suffering with that itchy, burning skin. I don't worry about it but my god it's irritating.

Yes it is. My gosh my nerves are shot. I used to love scary movies. The more suspense, gore, jumps the better. Now I've just tried watching one that had to do with a haunting and just the music alone leading up to what I knew was going to happen (I've seen it before) had my heart beating harder and faster and my feet tingling and me feeling loopy headed. I can't tell if I used to get the normal fear of movies and just enjoy it as part of the movie or if I'm experiencing something new. It's hard to determine what is normal anymore.

01-21-2013, 03:08 AM
I love horror movies too. I sometimes get anxious watching them (even if I've seen it before, like yourself) but for the most part I continue watching them. My therapist told me I should try to avoid watching anything with any kind of suspense or shock factor but I enjoy it haha. I get a kick from it.

01-21-2013, 03:22 AM
yer me to not doing to great on meds dont like the effects of propranolol at all it been seven days now really dont feel in control of my mind just took my sertraline now been on them four days now im tryig my best to except the horrid feelings and not panic and every side effect i get i think im gonna die crazy i know but its all in the mind so its great to read a few positive threads to help me through the day x

01-21-2013, 03:45 AM
I don't know anything about meds tbh. My GP offered me anti anxiety drugs and I refused them point blank. A close family member was on anti depressants for over a year (I know they're different) and she wasn't herself so I don't want that. I'm doing well with CBT, I've changed my diet and I recently got the courage to go back out for walks again. It's working for me and my doctor and therapist are very pleased with my progress.

01-21-2013, 09:45 AM
I feel like nothing can help me :( its real shitty right now..