View Full Version : The worst panic/anxiety attacks I have ever experienced! :(

01-19-2013, 08:43 AM
Okay, so I have an eating disorder and suffer with anxiety etc, I am currently attending counselling session for this..
I had an appointment yesterday, for some reason this set off the worst panic attacks I have ever had! I spent half the day wretching and hyperventilating. The worst part is that I have a fear of being sick, with these attacks I threw up in mouth but I panicked so I swallowed it.. :L

I am now terrified that Im going to experience this again, these attacks yesterday were when I was at college, so now Im worried about going back to college on Monday.. Im just soo scared I dont know what to do anymore! They have set me back, I was doing soo well with eating before this, now I just feel so sick :( It just feels when I make any improvements I fall back down hill, just seems impossible right now..