View Full Version : is it possible to have a heart attack from stress yes or no?

01-18-2013, 11:48 AM
i dont wanna hear anything like dont worry it dosnt happen often all i wanna know is is it possible yes or no?btw ima 20 year old male who has high blood pressure from stress but overrall im healthy and i asked this many people like my aunt for exemple whos a psychiatrist which means she used to be a doctor and i asked her if its possible or not and she said no than later when i said i had high blood pressure she was like how high is it? so its like she dosnt even know or she dosnt say yes so it dosnt worry me and it dosnt because i dont care about dying i will fight my anxiety even if it means death and i also asked my doctor and she said no it cant happen to young people high blood pressure only kills old people who are like 93 years old and when i asked my dad he said yes its possible so dont tell me anything about how its unlikely i just wanna know yes or no?

01-18-2013, 12:27 PM
Obviously intense stress is going to impact your health in several areas. Stress does increase the chances of heart attack; it also increases the chance of some types of cancer! Stress has a negative impact on everything.

01-18-2013, 12:29 PM
but that dosnt answer the question can stress give you a heart attack?yes or no?

01-18-2013, 12:34 PM
It definitely contributes! But if you're perfectly healthy in other areas of your life (good diet, exercise) then no. Stress alone won't give you a heart attack.

01-18-2013, 12:39 PM
If a person has no cardiac pathology(disease), short to medium term......no. Very long term, it sure raise your chances. Alankay.

01-18-2013, 01:18 PM
i dont wanna hear anything like dont worry it dosnt happen often all i wanna know is is it possible yes or no?btw ima 20 year old male who has high blood pressure from stress but overrall im healthy and i asked this many people like my aunt for exemple whos a psychiatrist which means she used to be a doctor and i asked her if its possible or not and she said no than later when i said i had high blood pressure she was like how high is it? so its like she dosnt even know or she dosnt say yes so it dosnt worry me and it dosnt because i dont care about dying i will fight my anxiety even if it means death and i also asked my doctor and she said no it cant happen to young people high blood pressure only kills old people who are like 93 years old and when i asked my dad he said yes its possible so dont tell me anything about how its unlikely i just wanna know yes or no?

YES and NO.

Hope that helps me old bean.

01-18-2013, 04:05 PM
^ ha ha!!!!!!!!!!!

01-18-2013, 06:16 PM
Well, stress puts strain on your heart, you can also develop high blood pressure, which can cause heart issues in the long run. So stress alone won't cause it, but it can contribute if you already have other risk factors like high blood pressure, high cholesterol, existing heart condition.

01-19-2013, 03:03 AM
YES and NO.

Hope that helps me old bean.

Say ya had high bp & yer arteries were 95% blocked.
Now say you got megga stressed which further increased yer bp... which was enough to cause a heart attack.

In this case - stress caused the attack... but... you were near due for one anyway.

Its a yes and no answer really.