View Full Version : What kind of person are you?

01-18-2013, 06:51 AM
Just wondering because I feel kinda bad that I tend to disagree with everyone, and many people dislike me for that, I never get to know if this is me being an ass and disagreeing just because or if I do have a point everytime I disagree with someone

01-18-2013, 08:19 AM
It's so hard to evaluate what kind of person I am. I definitely agree with people most of the time. I shy away from conflict unless its an issue that I feel really passionate about, something I believe is morally right.

For example, if you were to make a racist or homophobic joke in front of me in RL, I'd call you on it. Not to make you feel bad or inferior, but to point out I personally don't condone making fun of people for things they can't change.

I guess it depends who I'm with. I'm more inclined to call friends out than colleagues and family. I don't like making anyone angry, upset or embarrassed.

01-18-2013, 08:26 AM
It's so hard to evaluate what kind of person I am. I definitely agree with people most of the time. I shy away from conflict unless its an issue that I feel really passionate about, something I believe is morally right.

For example, if you were to make a racist or homophobic joke in front of me in RL, I'd call you on it. Not to make you feel bad or inferior, but to point out I personally don't condone making fun of people for things they can't change.

I guess it depends who I'm with. I'm more inclined to call friends out than colleagues and family. I don't like making anyone angry, upset or embarrassed.

Yep just as I thought, an anxious person tends to avoid conflict, and if I remember correctly I used to do the exact same thing, yet these last months I changed a lot of stuff in my life, basically trying to get involved in life and I have succeeded in part, I still feel anxious but now I seek conflict, or so it seems... and it's been making me feel kinda bad because some people are either offended or annoyed by my attitude

01-18-2013, 08:40 AM
Well my psych also uses the quote that 'depression is anger turned inwards'.

Maybe you're an outspoken kind of individual, but the anxiety/depression kept it repressed and internalized?

I think that there is also a direct correlation with how much weight I place on the opinion of the person and how likely I am to get into a down and dirty conflict with them.

My partner - we fight (or did fight) all the time. I would never hold back and I would really hurt his feelings at times (he deserved it!!)

My friends and I banter, we debate, we don't care how different our opinions might be because it doesn't change the fact we are mates (even if they believe in conspiracy theories like chem trails and vaccinations causing autism!!)

My family.... Ugh. I try to hard to please them. They don't hold back with me, but I will even go as far as lying about how I feel to save their feelings from being hurt.

My colleagues - I try to avoid conflict, but sometimes have to deal with and even mediate it.

01-18-2013, 09:15 AM
Well my psych also uses the quote that 'depression is anger turned inwards'.

Maybe you're an outspoken kind of individual, but the anxiety/depression kept it repressed and internalized?

I think that there is also a direct correlation with how much weight I place on the opinion of the person and how likely I am to get into a down and dirty conflict with them.

My partner - we fight (or did fight) all the time. I would never hold back and I would really hurt his feelings at times (he deserved it!!)

My friends and I banter, we debate, we don't care how different our opinions might be because it doesn't change the fact we are mates (even if they believe in conspiracy theories like chem trails and vaccinations causing autism!!)

My family.... Ugh. I try to hard to please them. They don't hold back with me, but I will even go as far as lying about how I feel to save their feelings from being hurt.

My colleagues - I try to avoid conflict, but sometimes have to deal with and even mediate it.

It might be, I had a very low self esteem for a long time and I've only just started to regain it now, I felt like I never had the right to let my opinion out, I got along just fine with everyone (probably because I had no opinion of my own, therefore I never got into conflicts) , but that's not healthy in my honest opinion so I rather annoy some people once in a while than not saying nothing at all.

At first, I only acted like this towards my closest family members, then I felt like I could do the same with the rest of the family, and lately I feel like it's sort of out of control, I don't allow anyone to say something without having to hear my opinion after :/

01-18-2013, 01:33 PM
I dont think that people with anxiety avoid conflict in general .

I think that people with anxiety and depression have enough shit to deal with without taking on other peoples problems .

I am what you would call shy but that is from the outside . I would call myself reserved more than anything and think about things before i put my foot in something.

I have no problems pulling someone up on something and in my job which is as a antique dealer i would have no problem standing in front of 200 people and arguing with a auctioneer that is trying to put one over me . This is strange because i see plenty of people that just let it go and auctioneer know this and use it for their benefit . ON the other hand i would have trouble debating in front of 20 people .

I have a mate that would have trouble walking in a pub but is a auctioneer and you could put him in a crowd of 200 people and he would not have a problem .

I have learned when it is good to talk and when it is good to just shake your head and walk away . People will always have their opinions and there are people out there that you will never change that and by even trying all you are doing is creating more stress for yourself . Its not to say i don't like a good debate but i also don't like belting my head against a brick wall either .

I think i learned this because i was adopted and found that no matter what i was always in the wrong . So there was times i knew i would not win a fight so just never bothered .

As i get older i find that i feel i have less and less to prove to anyone other than myself . You have to do what you think is right for you and you alone.

Exactly, that has to be my issue here, I'm trying to prove everyone else wrong just to feel good about myself while the only person that has anything to do with what I think or do is me, a healthy discussion and putting my opinion out there when needed is no problem I guess, but perhaps I should avoid seeking conflict, which seems to be what I've been trying to do lately!

Thanks a lot for the advice :)