View Full Version : Anybody has had the fear of dying in sleep and or has overcame it ..help !!!

01-18-2013, 06:18 AM
I been struggling with after death type of things and thinking of all this creation and how are we here .. Wats gonna happen after ...is there an aftelife or oblivion it scares me everyday the whole day jus over thinking it really frustrating . crying ..depressed and can't sleep scared of dying and never waking up ...anybody with some help ...looking into maybe going to a counseling center first since no insurance and phsycs are expensive but any help !!! Haven't slept all night it's 7 in the am now :/

01-18-2013, 07:09 AM
Why would you be scared of dying?

The only thing I'm scared of is dying a painful or drawn-out death, but this is highly unlikely to happen.

I don't believe in afterlife (the notion is ridiculous in my opinion) therefore there's nothing to be scared of here is there? coz you're gone and that's that.

If there WAS an afterlife, then I'll just cross that bridge when I come to it.
It's not gonna be eternal torture is it... like having electrified crocodile clips attached to my knackers, or having to listen to opera singing over and over in a continuous loop forever.

Then again, it may be good... with an endless supply of sex, beer and bacon sandwiches.

All sounds a little unlikely to me, so I don't think there's anything to lose sleep over.


01-18-2013, 07:18 AM
Lol I know what your saying but I think my whole fears is not to feel alive like me being here and after still be able to have a life after like not losing the aspect of life and am I ever gonna see my family my mom my sisters is scares the crap out of me ...I don't ever want to not wake up again u get me and dats why I can't sleep ..when I close my eyes my fear comes and my heart goes zooming and I can't sleep man :/

01-18-2013, 07:47 AM
Lol I know what your saying but I think my whole fears is not to feel alive like me being here and after still be able to have a life after like not losing the aspect of life and am I ever gonna see my family my mom my sisters is scares the crap out of me ...I don't ever want to not wake up again u get me and dats why I can't sleep ..when I close my eyes my fear comes and my heart goes zooming and I can't sleep man :/

Not really sure what you're saying in the first few lines but...

Your fear is taking over because you are of an anxious disposition. I had similar thoughts during my worst period of anxiety / panic disorder.
DEATH became a bit of an obsession, since I was convinced I was going to die.

I can tell you that this will pass when your mind & body is peaceful again.

You need to gather logical (not emotional) thoughts together and reason with yourself.

No-one just dies out of the blue for no reason... including you, so shut your eyes (and your laptop) and get some ZZZZZZZ. That's an order!