View Full Version : So Scared

05-26-2007, 09:30 AM
Hello All,
Ive had Anxiety & Depression for 6 years now-Ive been on 20mgs of Prozac for 2-3 years and it worked really well for me-no side effects. However, in the last 3 weeks its seems that Anxiety & depression has come back to roost. Its awful. Ive been with my girlfriend for a year-were getting ready to move in together-she may very well be "the one". Shes not too sympathetic to my problem-shes never dealt with it before. My craziness has gotten so bad that Ive even taken to examining our relationship and whether I love her or not. I tried to break up with her last night. We're going on vacation next week and Im worried about what Ill do on the Island when I panic. I love this girl, I want to be with her, Im really afriad of my panic and depression-If I could logically put my finger on the problem Id be all set, Im usually very rational. But, I think this is due to a bunch of problems all together. Im really very scared. Im new to this board and having read some of your posts I do hope you all are well and have peace of mind. I cross my fingers for you all!. Ive recently seen a therapist-I dont know how helpful she is but talking seemed to work for the moment. I used to see a Dr. a few years ago but once I got on Medication I felt like I didnt need to see him anymore-Is there a cure for this constant worry, depression and upset over my life? Take care of your selves out there-a guy in Boston is pulling for you!

V for Victor
05-26-2007, 09:59 AM
Hi Ben, I'm sorry about the anxiety/depression turning up again.

To get straight to the question: No, there's no direct cure for anxiety and depression. There are, however, numerous ways to cope with it and get control of it. I'm sure that you're familiar with many of those ways, after having the problem for so long.

It's too bad your girlfriend isn't more understanding. But it's hard to sympathize when you haven't experienced it first-hand. If you haven't ever sat down and had a serious talk with her about your problem, now is the best time to do so.

If your anxiety has driven you to try and break up with her, and if you're planning your life around it, it has taken control. That means you have to take it back! The therapist is a good start, because he/she can help you learn techniques for combating anxiety. Also, do some research and read up on your problems, and joining this board is a great move. :)

Hopefully you can get started doing some Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, or something. Often it takes more than just pills to get anxiety under control. (Speaking from experience.)

Good luck, and keep posting. :)

05-26-2007, 05:34 PM
Thank you Victor, I appreciate your fast response! I was trying to pretend that all was well with my girlfriend but I had angst written all over me..We fought and she threw me out. We were to go away together in 8 days..I dont know if I made the right decision. Ive done this before-break up with her and then get back together again because of my fear that things wouldnt work. This time was different, She seemed to be the cause of my anxiety. We fought and ended our relationship-but I cant tell if Im making rational decisions or not-Im driving myself nuts. There are no therapists around on Memorial Day, I cant find the answer that Im looking for-Im so scared I wish I could be confident-I wish I couldve hidden my anxiety better so that I couldve stayed with her-Im so upset-but thank you for your well wishes Victor, thank you!

05-26-2007, 06:07 PM
hi ben, i suffer from anxiety/depression and it got so bad i blamed it all on my girlfriend who was amazing. i split up with her thinking it would make me normal again but it didnt, i just lost the person i love. anxiety/depression makes you believe that things are wrong in your life as your mind is trying to rationalise your emotions (intellectualisation). i thought about everything especially how i need to see if i could cope on my own. i regret what i did but i felt that she should move on as i felt i was letting her down. i am slowly recovering and hopefully we can both find happiness again! good luck

05-26-2007, 06:26 PM
Thank you so much for your replies, I feel so alone. I broke up with my girlfriend and I cant figure out if its the anxiety that made me fear the relationship-or if it was a rational decision-This is the worst feeling in the world. Having made decisions and having to live with the consequences. I felt instant relief when we broke up and I still feel that way but I wonder if its all just the anxiety and Ive just made the worst decision n my life. I do love this girl, I am just so afraid of the life change she represents..You have all been very kind to me, thank you for your well wishes. I hope you all find inner peace. Thanks again!