View Full Version : new to this....here i am....any suggestions?

05-26-2007, 09:15 AM
ok right now i have oins and needles in my hands...is this an anxiety attack? lol

i am 34y/o and every time i make a change in my life..i cant accept it. iget self doubt, anxiety, nervous...second guessing..the what ifs

im not hungry but should eat
i wake up ealrier than i need to and toss and turn....
it sucks

i started a new job and moved over an hour away from my home and family.....i miss everything..im not even that far..whats my problem??
i take lexapro which helps i guess...but i dont know how to stop thinking..worrying.

i keep trying to go day by day..but even thats hard...i feel alone...

how do i stop worrying and second guessing every decision????

i want to just accept that this is change..and itll be ok and if i want... i can always move back on a year

05-29-2007, 07:36 PM
Change can be difficult for me too. I'm a creature of habit and when something changes it can take a long time for me to get used to it. I went from being surrounded by people to spending the majority of the day by myself.

My two roommates left for the summer and my girlfriend went on a two week vaccation and will begin working an hour away soon. Its not as dramatic as some though but I am also anxious about it...so much has changed in the last month for me.

Luckily work keeps my mind off it during the day...I find that keeping my mind busy is the best remedy. I try to take walks, contact friends/family via internet/phone, and anything I can.

I've not taken anything for my anxiety...its not too advanced.

Are you taking time to visit home on the weekends?