View Full Version : My Nervous system is HEALED COMPLETELY!!....Thank you PanicCured...now part 2

01-17-2013, 02:01 AM
I have officially healed my nervous system thanks to Chamomile Tea. I have been off the tea for over half a month and I have been in stressful situations and I have NOT,NOT, NOT, NOT, NOT, NOT HAD A PANIC ATTACK! :D In fact I even met with my College Dean, YES COLLEGE DEAN and I wasnt even nervous. I no longer have butterflies in my stomach, FAST HEART BEAT or anything! I can go about my daily life, and NOT have a nervous feeling. No tight throat feeling like im going to throw up, no shortness of breath, nothing of the sort! Now, my anxiety might not of been severe as other peoples anxiety on here, but it is possible to no longer live with this shit storm. In the end anxiety can only make you stronger. As of right now I am not 100% better. But I have crossed hardest part of the bridge, I can go out now and not worry about having a panic attack..

How does my Nervous system feel now?

the positives
1. I am more Calm.
2. I really do not panic at all unless it is a very stressful situation or a LIFE threatening situation.

the negative side
3. I am more quiet. When I talk to my friends I feel like I have to get out of my shell.
4. It actually takes alot to make me laugh now which kind of blows!

I would like ur guys comments on the negative sides. Over all I feel GREAT but sometimes I feel like I lost my old self. It could just be because I am not use to being so calm after being "on the edge" for over a year. I'm sure ill regain control of my laughing abilities :D I probably just have to get my CNS back in order slowly.

I only drank Chamomile tea for a week. I have to say I feel like I am one of the lucky ones because I really feel like it healed me. Its almost like the effects I got from the tea actually never wore off. Maybe it is just what I needed?

Now part 2 what I like to call... the road home :D

Part 2 is basically me getting my mind back in the right order before the panic and stress started. As we all know anxiety doesn't just take its toll on your nervous system but also on your brain and mind. It can make you think things that are not true and the complete opposite of you.

I will work on improving..

1. The obsessive thoughts I have of something being wrong with me
2. Some of these obsessive thoughts include ..am I sick, Do I have cancer, Am I depressed, What if I snap, What if one day I commit suicide?

No, I am not suicidal at all and I never have been. I love life. These obsessive thoughts developed over time slowly because back then I did not combat the problems quick enough. I did not face the problems head on and it just kept developing and getting worse. But I have stopped it in its tracks, and I will deal with what is on my mind now. I will beat this.

I just wanted to share this with you guys. And also a special thanks to PanicCured. He does know what hes talking about. And I want to thank all you guys for responding to my post when I really needed help. You guys are the best. :D

01-17-2013, 10:01 AM
I drink camomile tea nightly. It does relax me.

01-17-2013, 11:49 AM
Sleepy time tea is also awesome !

01-17-2013, 12:01 PM
Sleepy time tea is also awesome !

What is it?

01-17-2013, 12:03 PM
Sleepy time tea is also awesome !

Sleepy time tea? Where could I get that, what is it?

01-17-2013, 01:12 PM
I have seen it in my regular grocery store, I've never tried it though.

01-18-2013, 08:34 PM
I drink around 3 or 4 cups a day. It makes me sleepy as hell, but it seems to keep me really calm. Hard to tell with my Lexapro building back up and my .5mg klonopins.

02-23-2013, 04:06 AM
WOW! You are much better than me! I needed a truck load of tactics, methods and supplements to get me better and it took many months. There is no negative. just keep moving forward.

And you are right, people should just follow what I say. Everyone would be much better off if they followed my free advice.

It's about your will. If you have the will there really is a way. Just don't get stuck in thinking you got some crazy disease or anything. That will keep you down. It's so amazing how our thoughts create emotions and then create your reality. Chamomile Tea is just awesome. I like it with some raw honey in it. Lately I've been doing a ginger/mint combo. You can even do a chamomile/mint combo, chamomile/lavender combo or chamomile/ginger combo. Or all of them. Eastern Essentials Calm and Relaxed product is also a fantastic nervous system healer made of all natural herbs.

So, just keep going, buddy. Don't be scared of having a good life. Enjoy!

02-23-2013, 10:43 PM
That's awesome mglover! It takes a lot of determination and will to get where you are now!

PanicCured~ I have been reading your threads and appreciate you sharing your experiences and knowledge with all here! I have been reading Claire Weekes " Hope and Help for your Nerves " for the past couple weeks and it has been an enormous help with my anxiety...best book I have read and I think everyone here should be reading it.

I am starting magnesium citrate tomorrow ( 400 mg ) as I have had a bad bout with anxiety since last fall and I refuse to take antidepressants which were recommended by my doctor who really didn't seem to want to talk about supplements, aside from D3 which he didn't suggest a blood test nor even let me know how much I should take. I felt he was just so used to listening to key words I was saying that he was robotically prescribing AD's as he has for hundreds of other patients.

02-23-2013, 11:30 PM
Magnesium Citrate can give you diarrhea. I took that Calm brand and it totally gave me the runs on a high dose. Something about the citrate. I prefer Magnesium Glycinate. 400-800 mg day. 600 mg a day sounds good to me.

02-24-2013, 10:40 AM
I was wondering about whether the citrate would have that effect on my system when I purchased it...it is very confusing on which magnesium to get as there are so many different types. Think I will go get the Glycinate and try that instead because I do have a touchy stomach anyway.

I also want to start taking vitamin D3 but had read that it can cause a racing heart which I don't need because that is my major symptom with my anxiety right now..I can not drink anything with caffeine ( haven't for 20 years ) because of extreme sensitivity to it.

Maybe if I get my magnesium levels up first before trying the vitamin D. Any thoughts on this?

02-24-2013, 10:56 AM
Adrenalyn, I took D3 with no problems at all, and I couldn't tolerate any kind of pill at all at the time, no vitamin or even a benadryl. I find it's such a well tolerated vitamin, swallow and forget it type. It's cheap too, so I'd definitely recommend trying it, a lot to gain, and little chance of it going wrong, it's technically a hormone too, so doesn't interfere with other pills.

2 years later (and still taking that vit D3!) I begun taking magnesium, I agree, that Citrate can make the stomach a little jumpy, probably doing the best thing taking that Glyc :)

02-24-2013, 11:26 AM
I have been taking 3000IU/day of D3 and it has doing nothing but make me feel better. No side effects for me what soever.

02-24-2013, 01:56 PM
Adrenalyn, I took D3 with no problems at all, and I couldn't tolerate any kind of pill at all at the time, no vitamin or even a benadryl. I find it's such a well tolerated vitamin, swallow and forget it type. It's cheap too, so I'd definitely recommend trying it, a lot to gain, and little chance of it going wrong, it's technically a hormone too, so doesn't interfere with other pills.

2 years later (and still taking that vit D3!) I begun taking magnesium, I agree, that Citrate can make the stomach a little jumpy, probably doing the best thing taking that Glyc :)

Thank you jessed03 :) I too have a high sensitivity to all pills including vitamins and any prescription type medications...have to take 1/4 of prescribed medications if I take them at all. Even at a dentist app. They could only give a 5 year olds dose of the gas as I would pass out on adult dose. So I am very nervous about taking anything including supplements...I don't think it is anxiety driven type fears as I have tried to take migraine meds that ended up causing me some horrific side effects that took longer than usual to leave my system than others. My doc can't figure out why I am so sensitive to the prescriptions she has given me and I think she is starting to think it is my anxiety issues but I am pretty certain it is not...been this sensitive all my life.

I will give the D3 in a small dose to see how I react to it :) thanks again for your reply!

02-24-2013, 02:02 PM
I have been taking 3000IU/day of D3 and it has doing nothing but make me feel better. No side effects for me what soever.

I have heard so many people here say this and I want to try D3 and Magnesium as I know I have low levels of both...blood test showed low levels of D and the magnesium is a tough one to test but I am pretty sure mine is low due to long term stress in my life which I am sure has depleted my magnesium over the years.

Thank you, I will give it a try :)

02-24-2013, 03:32 PM
Since Vitamin D is one of the most important vitamins we receive naturally from the sun. I do not see how D3 could cause any problems. I take 5,000 mg of D3 a day unless I am getting that from the sun.

For me it was not one single thing that was the cure but a summary of many things. Once you have a strong will to get better and you are on a healing path, you just keep moving forward and you will find the right things for you. Buteyko breathing was one of the most important things for me, since I was hyperventilating and over breathing and obsessed with my breathing for so long. May have been one of the key factors in getting to such an anxious state in the first place. Try the Eastern Essentials Calm and Relaxed too though, as that works as a deep healing too. http://www.easternessentials.com/store/other-remedies/stay-calm-and-relaxed-formula/

But most important is you start to live your life AS IF you do not have anxiety and push yourself past it. Pretend you do not have anxiety until THAT becomes a reality.

02-24-2013, 04:06 PM
I have tried lots of them but they had little effect. Glad you were cured from it but most of us need a little more.

02-24-2013, 04:07 PM
im scared to give magnesium a try....after the horrible reaction i had last night. I felt like I was on the verge of puking..

02-24-2013, 04:46 PM
I have tried lots of them but they had little effect. Glad you were cured from it but most of us need a little more.

Oh really? And you cured your anxiety by which way exactly?

Saying you tried "them" and they didn't work is a complete lack of understanding the logic I have been trying to get across. I'll let others enlighten you.

02-24-2013, 06:38 PM
Since Vitamin D is one of the most important vitamins we receive naturally from the sun. I do not see how D3 could cause any problems. I take 5,000 mg of D3 a day unless I am getting that from the sun.

For me it was not one single thing that was the cure but a summary of many things. Once you have a strong will to get better and you are on a healing path, you just keep moving forward and you will find the right things for you. Buteyko breathing was one of the most important things for me, since I was hyperventilating and over breathing and obsessed with my breathing for so long. May have been one of the key factors in getting to such an anxious state in the first place. Try the Eastern Essentials Calm and Relaxed too though, as that works as a deep healing too. http://www.easternessentials.com/store/other-remedies/stay-calm-and-relaxed-formula/

But most important is you start to live your life AS IF you do not have anxiety and push yourself past it. Pretend you do not have anxiety until THAT becomes a reality.

Does make sense about the vitamin D we get naturally from the sun and I am definitely a sun lover!

I will check out the Buteko breathing technique as I do notice i do sometimes obsess about how I am breathing, have tried keeping my breathing more relaxed, being more conscious of not over breathing and that has helped a lot.i found the deep breathing as taught in CBT did nothing for me so I started doing slow breathing and through my nose only which made a big difference.

Good advice on living my life as if I don't have anxiety! I am realizing that I can't change or control the long term stresses in my life ( autistic son and husband who has major health issues ) that usually build up and overload my nervous system periodically that bring on anxiety so I am finding ways to lesson the affects of stress by meditating and finding time for myself more. I have a very strong will and know I can beat this and create an anxiety free life.

02-24-2013, 06:46 PM
im scared to give magnesium a try....after the horrible reaction i had last night. I felt like I was on the verge of puking..

I think you just took too much all at once,maybe try taking one dose in the morning and the second dose in the evening. I have the same problem with being worried about having reactions to pills of any kind and when I do I don't want to try it again...something I am working on now by taking low doses and moving up slowly to the recommended amount.