View Full Version : anyone ever passed out?

01-16-2013, 02:27 PM
I personally hav never passed out but every now and then feels like im going too more so when im out this is my worst and main symptom that scares the crap out of me! Had a dizzy spell today but think thats the meds im on

01-16-2013, 03:09 PM
I have passed out, but never from anxiety symptoms or panic attacks. It feels like I will, but deep down I know I won't. It's just the dizzy feeling.

The last time I passed out was when I was in a shop & was too hot & not very well at the time. But I came round instantly.

01-16-2013, 03:46 PM
Thats my fear, its horrible i always have to walk out the shop when i feel like that or get off the bus

01-16-2013, 03:51 PM
I always have to walk out of the shop if I feel like that. But the last time I passed out was before my anxiety came back. (I had 4 months earlier this year with no attacks or symptoms. The only time in 5 years that I've had no symptoms)
My friend was with me & helped me up. Someone else bought me a drink & I was fine after that.

The rest of the time that I've had anxiety, I've never passed out.

01-16-2013, 04:04 PM
Must hav been so scary for u tho, its good it hasnt happened through anxiety and that has put my mind at ease at bit

01-16-2013, 04:10 PM
It wasn't too bad actually. I find myself being scared of fainting if I have an attack, but when I did pass out, it wasn't anything scary really.
I just remember feeling dizzy, seeing black & then waking up a few seconds later as if nothing had happened.

Don't worry about it with anxiety though. :) If you were going to pass out from it, it would have happened by now. It's just our brains messing with us. Silly old brains! Lol.

01-16-2013, 04:34 PM
I wanna new one grrrr lol

01-16-2013, 04:55 PM
If only it was that easy! A shop that could provide people with new brains would make a fortune! Haha.