View Full Version : New to the forum...some advice please!

01-16-2013, 01:03 PM
Hi, I've been on these boards but not for about 4 years. The same old symptoms have returned.
It started out with light headed feeling, racing heart, headaches and tingling fingers and jittery all over my body. I was concerned there was something physically wrong, but all the tests came back normal...thank GoD! I was diagnosed with GAD 4 years ago and took Lexapro and klonipin. After about 4-5 months I felt so much better, I stopped the meds after 8 months and have been fine since then...until 10 days ago.
I am so worried about spiralling down again and having those awful feelings of depression and anxiety. The ER doc gave me Ativan which I've taken a few times and it seems to help. I don't know what to do next? I see a psych doc on Monday.

01-16-2013, 05:03 PM
If the lexapro helped that much, resume it and see about counseling and/or CBT. Alankay

01-18-2013, 02:07 PM
I can't get an appointment until Monday, has anyone used anything else to help them sleep, or ease the anxiety until the lexapro kicks in? I'm so tense across my shoulders, trembling in my body and like a burning sensation in my legs. Do these sound like anxiety symptoms or am I i going crazy?

01-18-2013, 04:47 PM
To me they sound like anxiety symptoms. Have you tried certain teas to relax you when you're at home?
There are ones to help relax & ones to help you sleep.
The only other thing that works for me to stop being tense is a hot bath.

01-18-2013, 05:21 PM
Hi, I've been on these boards but not for about 4 years. The same old symptoms have returned.
It started out with light headed feeling, racing heart, headaches and tingling fingers and jittery all over my body. I was concerned there was something physically wrong, but all the tests came back normal...thank GoD! I was diagnosed with GAD 4 years ago and took Lexapro and klonipin. After about 4-5 months I felt so much better, I stopped the meds after 8 months and have been fine since then...until 10 days ago.
I am so worried about spiralling down again and having those awful feelings of depression and anxiety. The ER doc gave me Ativan which I've taken a few times and it seems to help. I don't know what to do next? I see a psych doc on Monday.

How old are you?

01-19-2013, 01:32 PM
Hi. Sorry you're going through this. Glad you have some Ativan and very glad you have a psych appt on Moday. You also have the great benefit of knowing that meds have worked very well for you in the past so you can get back on them if psych doc agrees and avoid this getting any worse. You are doing everything right. Go ahead and use the ativan today so you can rest. I understand the fear of spiralling down but it's not likely to happen becasue you've taken action to get help. You really will be OK.

01-19-2013, 02:07 PM
Hi. Sorry you're going through this. Glad you have some Ativan and very glad you have a psych appt on Moday. You also have the great benefit of knowing that meds have worked very well for you in the past so you can get back on them if psych doc agrees and avoid this getting any worse. You are doing everything right. Go ahead and use the ativan today so you can rest. I understand the fear of spiralling down but it's not likely to happen becasue you've taken action to get help. You really will be OK.

Thank you for the response that makes me feel better. Do you think the lexapro will work faster this time since my body has been on it before?

01-19-2013, 03:04 PM
I'm SO happy that I could help you feel better. No, the lexapro won't kick in any faster since you've been off it for a while. I know, it can seem like forever but remember you have had success with it in the past and you will again so you don't have to worry that nothing is going to help. It will. Ask your psych if he/she might presribe some ativan to help carry you through till the Lexapro kicks in. Some docs are reluctant to do this but if you have no history of substance abuse and are probably going to be using it short-term (Lexapro is great for anxiety) then the doc might be willing. Since you've been on Klonipin before with good results that would actually be a better choice because it lasts in your body longer (like 12 hrs) than the other similar drugs so tell the doc that Klonipin was very helpful in the past.