View Full Version : Am I bipolar or is it just anxiety?

05-24-2007, 02:55 PM
I've pretty much gotten over my anxiety but the times that I do have anxiety attacks I get them pretty bad. Whenever I don't experience anxiety, I feel pretty happy and almost like my old self. I want to go out with friends, I'm in a good mood, and I have more energy. Then when anxiety hits me, I feel really down and irritable. I worry and worry and I just feel irritated because it takes awhile for this cloud of worry to go away. It likes my mood shifts so fast once anxiety strikes. I feel like I'm emotionally unstable. My cousin wondered if I was bipolar or something and it really scares me. Is this a symptom of being bipolar or is it just anxiety? I'm scared that my anxiety has turned into some sort of bipolar disorder cause I heard that it can go hand in hand with anxiety in some way. Can anyone give me any insight or help with this?

05-25-2007, 07:03 AM
I experience EXACTLY what you experience.

When I have an anxiety attack it goes away but the worrying and physical ramifications of the attack stay for a while....My last one lasted for three weeks..not the attack itself, LOL....but all the chest pain and worrying that goes with it. I am not a dr. but I experience exactly what you do and I am definitely not bi-polar.... Your friends comments alone are enough to give you anxiety.

My symptoms basically SLOWLY fade away...especially after a big attack. What happens is I get in this big hole where I wonder if something is wrong with me physically only b/c of the chest pain, etc...then the worrying causes more chest pain and it is just one vicious circle. But anyhow, once everything is gone, it's gone and it may be several months before I have another one. My anxiety always has to do with my health...have a weird pain or whatever and then all of a sudden I have it in my head I am dying from cancer of heart disease. :D

I have never had one that lasted that long as the last one...even went to the dr. She gave me Xanax for the attacks and Citalopram to begin healing my mind...all Xanax does is put a band aid on it all. I am glad I rode it out without using the Citalopram. I was so nervous about taking it b/c of the side effects (which aren't even all that bad). After reading forums/discussion boards I realized that I am not as needy for medication as some people. I am fortunately one of those people that does not live with anxiety from day to day. I have my attack...it may take a while to shake it off...but then I am fine for a good long while. :)

The mind is a vey powerful thing. Only you know if you should go to the dr...but don't let worrying allow you to diagnose yourself with bi-polar. I do not know all your details, but you should seek medical help to help ease your mind depending on how you feel. Of course I cannot give medical advice. I sympathize with you how scary it is when you are in the moment of it all.

05-27-2007, 05:15 AM
I've pretty much gotten over my anxiety but the times that I do have anxiety attacks I get them pretty bad. Whenever I don't experience anxiety, I feel pretty happy and almost like my old self. I want to go out with friends, I'm in a good mood, and I have more energy. Then when anxiety hits me, I feel really down and irritable. I worry and worry and I just feel irritated because it takes awhile for this cloud of worry to go away. It likes my mood shifts so fast once anxiety strikes. I feel like I'm emotionally unstable. My cousin wondered if I was bipolar or something and it really scares me. Is this a symptom of being bipolar or is it just anxiety? I'm scared that my anxiety has turned into some sort of bipolar disorder cause I heard that it can go hand in hand with anxiety in some way. Can anyone give me any insight or help with this?

It doesn't sound to me like you are bipolar. Bipolar disorder consists of both depression and mania/hypomania. And when someone is in the manic/hypomanic state, this is not the same thing as when you are feeling better. When you feel better, I am guessing that you simply feel more like yourself in a healthy sort of way. You want to do the things that you typically do, you enjoy spending time with friends, and you feel hopeful about getting better. I am guessing that, in this state, you do NOT feel abnormally energetic, need VERY little sleep, or think about crackpot business schemes that will get you rich quickly. This is what happens in a manic/hypomanic state wih bipolar disorder. Also remember that recovery from anxiety tends to be somewhat erratic, with ups and downs. The fact that your mood is not completely stable is typical.

05-28-2008, 09:09 PM
You made me laugh with the 'crackpot' joke.

I also worry about being bipolar. This is a recent thing for me. I get very angry at my boyfriend and I blow it WAY out of proportion. When I finally get out of it, I become very upset and sad at myself and feel like I can't control my emotions. I also then feel like a total loser and wonder why I even have a boyfriend. I asked my mom if I have always had such a short fuse when I get angry and she confirmed that yes, in fact, I have always lost my temper somehow (or something triggered it) and then blew things way out of proportion, said hurtful things, etc. Then I always beat myself up about it later. Okay, now I sound pathetic.

Anyway, that's what happens to me. Wondering if it's bipolar disorder.

05-28-2008, 09:38 PM
I was just wondering this about myself tonight (about the whole bi-polar thing). It really sucks to feel this way.
Aaahh!! I have the same problem. I blow things out of proportion with my fiance sometimes and I get really angry at him. I end up saying really mean things (that I don't actually mean) and than after I calm done I feel completely stupid and down on myself. I hate that I get so mad at him and I always feel bad afterwards, but while I am angry it's like I can't control what I say. I hate this!
I'm not like this all the time but it seems when I am like this I can't control it. I don't think it is bi-polar though because I don't have periods of feeling really happy or energetic in any way. It's just I feel out of control and angry at times. It's frustrating!