View Full Version : Tiredness causing anxiety attacks

01-16-2013, 10:46 AM
Anyone suffered from attacks due to tiredness? I've been doing really well but then attack out of nowhere this morning - only reason I can think of which caused it is that I'm tired from being busy helping a friend out yesterday.

01-16-2013, 10:52 AM
I have really bad insomnia so feel like I get no recovery time... So im costantly anxcious and have attacks which then effect my mood swings, its not nice..

01-16-2013, 10:57 AM
I know even if you feel you are doing everything right to get better it's just so frustrating. I'm the other side I sleep more and if I have a busy day in work or get less sleep than I should I get an attack.

Sick of it I feel like I've to wrap myself in cotton wool to not get attacks.

01-16-2013, 11:06 AM
Well your working so thats better than me, ive been suffering for 12 months now and there is now way I could leave the house to work lol
Im still on loads of meds but need to get checked for ADHD and bipolar :0(

01-16-2013, 12:42 PM
I know even if you feel you are doing everything right to get better it's just so frustrating. I'm the other side I sleep more and if I have a busy day in work or get less sleep than I should I get an attack.

Sick of it I feel like I've to wrap myself in cotton wool to not get attacks.

I had a panic attack late last night also, and it caused me major insomnia as well. I ended up taking the day off today and slept most of the day away. I have this weird stabbing pain in my right breast area and it is going through to my back. I know I did some ab exercises yesterday, where I had my arms over my head, now im wondering if I might if pulled something. I started feeling the pain last night, got nervous, had a major attack, then stayed up half the night. I'm still hurting today and feel out of sorts, but i am still trying to function today....doing homework with my son, etc....

01-16-2013, 03:56 PM
I get really anxious when I'm tired. Probably why I have a problem sleeping. It's a vicious cycle.

01-16-2013, 04:07 PM
Have you tried any sleep aid teas? Clipper do one which is quite nice. It's mild flavoured, but smells lovely. It seems to calm me before bed. I still don't sleep a full night (I never have) but I seem to have deeper sleep so I don't feel as tired when I wake up.
Dr Stewarts also do one which I might try.

01-16-2013, 04:11 PM
Anyone suffered from attacks due to tiredness? I've been doing really well but then attack out of nowhere this morning - only reason I can think of which caused it is that I'm tired from being busy helping a friend out yesterday.

Its a known fact that tiredness can cause anxiety.

When tired you feel shitty. Anxiety feeds off all shitty aspects of your mind & body... thus making tiredness one of major players of anxiety.

01-16-2013, 04:29 PM
I'm sleeping fine generally think my lexapro takes care of that. Just when I get a little bit less due to work or have to get up earlier than I normally would I'm exhausted and it seems it triggers an attack.

It's just so frustrating I'm doing everything but sometimes it's one step forward and two back. Any suggestions apart from staying in bed!