View Full Version : Am i doing well in the Recovery process of anxiety ?

01-16-2013, 09:20 AM
Im 17 years old , I've had anxiety since July 2012 and got diagnosed October 2012 I'm on citrilopram I think it's called 10mg so a small dose. I am at sixth form (college) and going steady I use rescue remedy occasionally and have had hypnosis which I highly recommend! I'm studying for a levels and learning to drive so quite busy and everything's going well I don't worry anymore like I use to but I do have one worry that I can't just shake of is that it's going to come back/happen again and what my future will be like etc and it sounds silly I don't have harmful thoughts or anything I just worry occasionally if I end up like getting depressed and suicidal which I don't want to so I guess I still have an impending feeling of doom I suppose. So the question I'm asking really is its been just 4 months is my recovery process normal? I feel like I'm getting back on track but I'm still that 95% it's like will I ever get to 100% or am I just wanting to heal too soon I know I'm doing well but just want some advice really :) oh and I have an under active thyroid & take liquid iron with b12 .

01-16-2013, 09:47 AM
I think you're doing fantastically well. So inspiring to hear someone who has this under control. The fact that you took action early & sought help through medication & hypnosis is brilliant.

In regards to your worries about it coming back, I think you should just enjoy how you're feeling right now. The treatment you've received should help you to deal with anything that comes in your path. You're young & so deserve to have the normal life that you now have. I wouldn't worry about it coming back. If you're doing so well so early on, it shouldn't be a problem for you.

I wish you all the best for your future :)

01-16-2013, 11:06 AM
Thanks a lot I think I just need to sit back and realise how far I've come in such a short space of time and that the future is bright and whatever will be will be. Wishing you well also :)

01-16-2013, 05:48 PM
Oh my goodness! You sound exactly like me! I too am attending college and have found the same exact worries running through my head about my future/what my life is going to end up like. The future might seem like a scary thing right now, and at our age the transition seems like its happening all at once. I've found it eases my mind when I talk to my parents about what it was like when they were in their late teens/early twenties and found they had the same fears I did. It also helps talking to older students and former students from the university to see how they are coping with the transition to the real world. Sounds like you have a bright future ahead of you! I wish you the best!


01-17-2013, 09:06 AM
HalfMiller always good to hear from someone in a similar situation yes I also find speaking to my parents helps sometimes I think anxiety sufferers can't distinguish normal anxietys from abnormal like everyone worries about the future I think . Thanks for the reply best of luck with the recovery :)