View Full Version : Anxiety advice: Drop toxic friends

01-16-2013, 09:05 AM
This is more advice then me worrying for once :)

I've had a childhood best friend our relationship is pretty much bickering and fighting about stuff. We tried dating twice, both time I broke it off. One time I tried breaking the friendship off since he caused me more stress then anything that obviously didn't work. For years he would call me for advice and I would give it to him I would listen to him cry over lost love and what to do. I kept giving and giving and giving and he never actually learned or listened to what I was saying. Recently from January-December 2012 he didn't call really. Then around my birthday he called to wish me a happy birthday, but then he didn't stop calling he'd call while I was at the library, he called me while drunk once, the things he would ask me (living with him and his gay friend, going back to a college that made me depressed, if he got black out drunk to go to his straight guy friend's house in a city I'd be visiting only knowing him etc) Made me angry and uneasy since I am happily in a relationship right now. Lies, his life choices, not taking my feelings into consideration with what he says(I even told him he caused me anxiety and he brushed it off not knowing understanding that what he was saying made me on edge), him being sick or not remembering anything from the day before a common thing when he would call.

I finally as of January 15th 2013, 14 years later I finally told him I'm done and not to come to me with his problems anymore. He said he would call me in 2 months to let me know how he's doing with his "reality check" I'm personally dreading it and want to screen his call so much. Part of the reason is because I can't trust his word he's told me "no I don't like that show" then I find on the facebook page he lied he's told me (while drunk) that he wouldn't get that drunk if I visited but then said he would and kept going back and forth between the two. He's the kind of guy where if he was my boyfriend and I gave him an ultimatum between me and the booze and drugs he'd probably pick the booze and such because thats how it feels right now thankfully we are not dating.

But the point of this topic is this: if you have friends like this? who don't respect your feelings and who mess it up chance after chance after chance? then for the sake of peace of mind drop them as a friend because you deserve better