View Full Version : will my anxiety ever go away?

01-16-2013, 07:06 AM
I had anxiety over 10years ago. It lasted a few months but i took meds and.i was better. I would get small panic attacks once in a while but nothing major. Then last april i had a bad panic attack and have had anxiety since. It comes and.goes but.never fully leaves. I took celexa 40mg it didnt work. Currently on paxil 20mg.and i still have.anxiety. I see a therapist once a month. So what.should i do? Im tired of.living like this. I feel so helpless and lost

01-16-2013, 02:41 PM
i feel your pain, i dont know what to do at all. i just want to be happy and im so stressed out about nothing that should be upsetting! today i decided to come onto this forum, because i was hoping i could talk and relate with people who understood what i was going through. i dont even know where to start with that :(

01-16-2013, 02:47 PM
Ya my anxiety started around 2006, suffered a few family tragedies in a small amount of time. Would get little panic attacks every once in a while. But this last one has been lingering since Dec 22. Not nearly as bad as when it started but still going to therapy and going to try to get evaluated for medication. But it will take a lifestyle change, which is way easier said than done. But hang in there, remember that there isn't really anything wrong, but I know how difficult it can be to believe even yourself when you feel this way. But this anxiety community is here for you.

01-16-2013, 06:12 PM
Loveme u can talk to all of us.. We r going through the same thing so we all understand. Its hard but we can help eachother. Frank yes i am trying n i know i need some lifestyle changes but its hard. I will see my therapist soon hopefully it helps. I have been through way worse but just feeling like this gives me no hope for recovery :(